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Game of the Year 2018


  1. God of War
  2. Yakuza 6
  3. Forza Horizon 4
  4. Exapunks
  5. Astro Bot Rescue Mission
  6. Into the Breach

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  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Really addicting and fun roguelike!

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    I loved the original Spyro trilogy, and knew the original trilogy very very well. This remaster respects that trilogy extremely well. Maybe it's lame to give a remaster my GOTY...but I think a series that is so beloved to me that gets such a great remaster is amazing.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Good game that expands on the previous games, improves the story, improves minor annoyances of the gameplay. This is the perfect version of the Hitman series to play, you can also play the first games maps as well.

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    I would like to come back to this, but I fell off with it.

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    Really good spider-man game and overall open world game. Has an interesting story and plays well.

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    Short, sweet, good writing, good gameplay, good art style, fantastic music.

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    It's a really good Tetris game.

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    I couldn't really get into this after say 3 hours or so in. I wasn't a fan of the UI and it got very annoying trying to piece everything together but having to run around the ship to each corpse. It was hard to really tell which is which and going in and out of cut scenes was a bit of a slug. The story itself didn't seem very interesting to me to care much for how this mystery ends.

    I do like what it's doing though...wanted to like it...but couldn't. It has an interesting art style, and overall a unique mechanic to it...which kind of elevates it to a 3 star game for me.

    I may try to revisit this one day...

  • ⭐⭐⭐

    I platniumed the first game, but didn't even finish this one. The writing got significantly worst, and it's charm doesn't hold it's weight to keep it going. The characters are just flat out bad and kind of annoying. I do like the improvements of the gameplay and side quests, but the side town management, skirmishes, and the writing were just so bad I couldn't keep going.

  • I don't like Smash, some reason I bought it, I didn't change my mind.

    I don't think rating it is worth while though.

  • I'm not really into the super meat boy style platforming