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Wow, Mary Kish is a genius! Her top 3 is my top 3 in that order, crazy! Makes me want to play some other games on her list I haven't touched yet, impeccable taste!

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Jeff said Star Wars: Battlefront II is better than BF1, which seems crazy. There's only two things that are better about the first game.

1. The progression system wasn't a total money grab cluster fuck where you had to play for 3 hours to get 1 pack which might be worthless (still happening btw).

2. The animated blue hologram commanders in the corner of your screen looked super cool. Now they are static 2d images.

Besides those 2 aspects, BF2 is better in every way. The maps are better, more modes, better graphics, more heroes, more varied soldier load outs, and a Campaign (which I think is good they crap on the campaign this entire episode without explaining why. The Fan service isn't even bad).

The biggest thing they are missing is the flight combat is Amazing! They never even talk about it this episode or the previous one. Amazingly improved over the previous game, pvp dogfights and bombing objectives, and it's a blast!

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Edited By Cashprizes

@tpoppapuff: If (theNword) jumps into your brain when you are angry and trying to put down someone, especially when you are broadcasting to an audience, you are probably a racist. I play tons of multiplayer games alone (oximoron?) and get upset and swear at the monitor. I have never called anyone a racial slur, it just doesn't come to mind because I am not a racist like pewdiePie.

Yeah it's free speech, he is free to be a racist. His advertisers are free to not support him and his speech, and game companies are free to request he not publicize their games. Don't know why people are going to bat for him, not like he is being drummed off the internet.

Also when you open with "My Veteran Grandpa would roll over in his grave with these damn Liberals and their socialism" you show your bias and it's no surprise you wish for a game company to burn down because they don't meet your standards.

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Edited By Cashprizes

@sethmode: The rap in Hamilton just doesn't sound good. I am not a big musical fan in general, so the music has to be fantastic for me to enjoy it at all. Sound of Music and Les Mis are just about the only 2 I like, My Fair Lady is ok.

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My biggest gaming regret was buying the N64 just for Zelda Ocarina of Time. I beat the game, really good game, never played the N64 ever again. I did buy Castlevania 64 and that was garbage, and every other game for the system was garbage except Mario which I had beaten at a friend's house.

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All the people complaining about how Dan criticized Assassins Creed, that's his job, he is a professional Video Game Reviewer. His word should stand as solid fact, he isn't some random comment troll, if he is doing his job right he is positing himself as the Roger Ebert of games, his (educated experienced) Opinion is fact.

Dan is an idiot, admittedly so several times over, he likes Wrestling (ACTIVELY!) and admitted to not having any tolerance for RPG's until he was 25. Still, he can't be expected to preface every opinion with "I feel that" or "I think this." We tune into this content to hear their opinions and personalities. I know Dan is consistently wrong, all the time, despite his evolution over the last decade.

By the way all the Assassin Creeds games are garbage except II which is now trash because every other game has eaten it's lunch.

And Dan's quote about not liking game's up their own ass might be in the 99th percentile of Hypocrisy, Ever!

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Other Original Xbox games to go back and play:

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance 2

Panzer Dragoon Orta

Jade Empire

Soul Calibur 2


Good calls by the bomb crew on JetSetRadioFuture and Crimson Skies

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Edited By Cashprizes

@v878: Agreed, you can look at the Xbone and be like... why would I want this if I already have a PS4?

If I owned a Xbone, I would look at the PS4 and be like "Shit Horizon and Uncharted 4and Persona 5 and Nioh are really fucking enticing, and Last of Us 2 in a year...."

Basically there's no reason to own an Xbox except for Forza. And I cotton to a racing game like once a decade (Jet Moto, Pacific Rift).

That being said, it doesnt look like Sony has that many killer exclusives in the future (besides LoU2), but the back catalog exclusives alone for the PS4 stomp Microsoft's throat.

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@kingpk: Well you bought a PS4 for exclusives, there was no reason for you to buy a Xbone unless you are just the most diehard Halo/Forza fan.

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Dark Knight Rises was terrible. Even Nolan would tell you the movie is a wreck and doesn't work. I don't want campy Batman back, but Rises was a total mess.

Horizon is really good, I platinumed it, the plot is one of the better game stories in the last decade, gorgeous art design, music, combat stays fresh and fun. I thought the side quests were fun, enjoyed them and how they were presented more than how Far Cry or Dragon Age 3 or Mass Effect Andromeda did them. Not up to Witcher 3 quality but you can tell that was a direct inspiration.

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