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  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post Episode 295.

    The Galaxy S21 Ultra: Phantom Black video like

  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post Assassin's Creed Syndicate (11/20/2020).

    Allison Mack from Smallville just got sentenced to 120 years for child sex trafficking where initiates would get branded with her initials? What in the world?!Fun facts are truly a part of what makes...

  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post 658: Geometry Wars 99.

    Ben and Jason just staring forward for the first half an hour like... Oh yeah? Tell me more about how cool your toys are. lol.Or maybe I'm projecting my envy... I'm not even sure why. I'm getting this...

  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 379.

    The Vinny view is so freaking high-fi.It's like the first time I saw my "Lethal Weapon 2" dvd upscaled to 1080p at 60 fps.

  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 378.

    grunts/clickscommunication/controllerwords/buttonslanguagesdialogue/enginedialect/genrestories/developerplays/gamerpoems/indie gamesbooks/story gamesnewspapers/multiplayer gamesSome people don't play ...

  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post Episode 6.

    If St. Vincent doesn't call you up, you should hit up Henry Cavill (thats Superman's real name FYI.)He built a PC today, and put that video on the internet. It was a gaming P.C., Abby. He water-coole...

  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post Trackmania.

    ESports Idea:You get 5 min to 30 min to figure out how to get the furthest in the shortest amount of time on a set track.Wins happens on a time to distance ratio.Straight aways create the differentiat...

  • CatsInPajamas posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 369.

    The VG industry started fighting over how to soidfy a struture to make sure that video games continue to get funded,; and reduce instability. . A while ago., 2007+5 ish was a golden age for the crazi...