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The Joy of Buying Music as a Gift

Over the past couple of days, I have had great pleasure of finding music to buy as a gift for birthday presents. I didn't buy a gift card to the Apple Store or Amazon to have it shipped later. I went to the store, picked out the CDs, and purchased. It felt great. I almost forgot what that felt like, and to be honest, I don't want to miss that feeling anymore. It feels good, just in general, to buy gifts for other people that we think they'll like, but my idea is that it feels even better when it's music that we're buying.

Perhaps other people have felt this way recently. I went down to my local Best Buy today and picked out the new Santana record and then as I was browsing for ideas, I saw Eric Clapton had a 2016 record, so I bought that too. I remember when the music section at Best Buy was much larger and not all concentrated but rather divided out into the different genres. I am not surprised that the company has cut down on supply because of the digital turnover. At the same time, the CD section still existed, and it felt great to browse and shop.

Has anybody seen that documentary about Tower Records? I've seen bits and pieces of it, and it got me thinking about when I was younger, walking into my local music stores, looking to buy a new record. Streaming music has its advantages, but man, it felt so good buying physical CDs as gifts. I really don't know how else to describe it.