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  • CharAznableCustom posted a message in the forum topic A half year since GB conjured The Custom. How would you feel?. on the General Discussion board this?

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message in the forum topic Six months since GB invoked The Ritual. How do you feel?. on the General Discussion board

    The combination of it being December causing schedule disruptions and the emphasis on live content making them unable/unwilling to put episodes in the can for regular release makes the site feel extre...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Grubbsy 3D - Part 3.

    @bobatrainwreck: Nah, kids fucking rule

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Pokemon Scarlet/Violet.

    I like how most of the comments are complaining but still saying they bought the game and love Pokemon. Demonstrating exactly why there's 0 panic from Game Freak to rebuild the whole apparatus from s...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration.

    @cameltoe13: He is still alive and doing Jeff things on Twitch/Youtube.

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Bayonetta 3.

    @beard_of_zeus: Lol

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Episode 2.

    @giantrobot24 said:@birdsoul said: fuck off no one wants this shitIt appears to be quite popular. I'll be interested to see how he keeps the format fresh episode to episode, especially with the episo...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Episode 1.

    I don't understand this at all. It's a hyper ADHD "talk show" with the guy just doing zany stuff with himself? It doesn't seem to be for me but its been a while since I saw something that I so thorou...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Resident Evil Village - Winter's Expansion.

    @y2ken: I haven't been reading any stuff about their plans for 9 so that's a little disappointing to hear. Nothing wrong with moving on to new ideas but dead-end DLC is no good.

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Resident Evil Village - Winter's Expansion.

    Bummed that the DLC is "pointless" but I guess that's pretty normal. Hopefully it lets them get the ball rolling on whatever's next, assuming Rose is involved in RE9.

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post 44.

    Those stupid little thing in Crocs are actually called Jibbitz?! Why the hell would anyone choose that name? Gibbet (same pronunciation) is already a real word and it means a gallows/to hang a body f...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Eternal Darkness - At the Heart of My Soul: Part 06.

    @ultimaxe: Dan often sets the bar for his explanations at a level that he wouldn't really understand and definitely would not remember. Like "butter is milk/cream that you basically just shake really ...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post 06.

    @garwalk said: I didn't get super far into this game as much as I love it, but I think Lady Butterfly was the first boss I beat. It felt amazing.I don't think its possible to fight her without beating...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post UPF - 10/14/22.

    Touching eulogy for Robbie Coltrane by Jan there.

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 10/14/22.

    @splodge: But if we don't talk about him constantly and keep saying he's bad literally every single time his name comes up then how will he ever know that he's bad? Did you know Chris Pratt is bad? Wh...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 10/14/22.

    I love that Middler completely gives the Chris Pratt game away halfway through. "I love all his movies and he seems cool and relatable, then you find out he's 'one of them [overtly religious]'" and t...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post 758: The Ted Danson Pack.

    @frankiebeanz said:VERY UNSANITARY garbage popcorn bucketI do not drink from glasses or use silverware at any bar or restaurantI also do not eat at fastfood places out of fear of people like Dans old...

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Hyrule Hustle.

    Lol at how indignant Jess got about whistle-running when she used like 5 fairies and just sat through basically every curveball Dan threw at her.

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 09/28/22.

    Also no podcast in the RSS for me either

  • CharAznableCustom posted a message on the post The Diofield Chronicles.

    The name of the game is wrong in the video titles. Its correct in the wiki/tag entry though.