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Default and Papers

This week has been a bit sporadic in gaming for me. I typically try to follow a "two games at a time" rule but I broke that this week. I was all over the place but I had a good time with it.

The thing I played the most was the Bravely Default demo for the 3DS. I went from excited about this game to ecstatic. Bravely Default is mechanically deep in the best way. There are 24 different jobs to class your characters as and you can combine skills and passive abilities from all jobs.

The Next Best RPG
The Next Best RPG

Now that is standard affair but the combat is where the game shines. Bravely Default uses random encounters but you can't just get by mashing the A button here. Combat runs off of the Brave/Default system. When your characters Brave, they spend future turns to do extra actions this turn. When they Default, they earn an extra turn to use later and they gain a boost in defense. It is a genius way to use risk and reward in combat. You can go all out on the first turn and spend the next three waiting, or play defensively to build an amazing offense. The demo is free, if you enjoy RPGs please treat yourself and try this game.

I also played a large amount of Papers, Please on Steam. I love studying the cold war so this game really appealed to me. The game is inherently dark, it can really make you feel oppressed and bad about the decisions you make.You play a bureaucrat watching the border between two formerly warring countries. Your country is communist and you get paid for the amount of people you admit into your country and penalized for ones you allow without the proper papers.

You Are Probably A Bad Person
You Are Probably A Bad Person

Life is a constant struggle to keep your family alive with your meager wages and often you find yourself a cog in plans you don't control. I played the game as the perfect citizen. I refused all the bribes I could and tried to follow the law to the letter, even if it meant turning away refugees to certain death. You will not feel good after playing but you will be entertained.

I also continued playing my two "main" games. .Hack Infection and Final Fantasy VI, but not much happened. Hopefully I can give you a bigger report on them next week.

Take it easy,


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