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Oh boy I'm editing wiki pages again.

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Early Christmas

So I'll start off by apologizing to the community for the poorly chosen title of my last blog. I didn't mean to make it click bait, I was just trying to use a title similar to a Paul Giamatti indie movie "The Hawk Is Dying".

That being said I'm back at school and my girlfriend had brought me a little present from back home. While she was with her family her dad found out that I am an avid gamer. He decided to go a little overboard and got me a very generous Christmas gift. Knowing that my favorite genre is RPGs he got me a pack of games. Cubivoire (Gamecube), Digital Devil Saga I & II (Sealed Ps2), and .Hack//Infection (Ps2). I was thrilled, I've been looking for Cubivoire for years and never found it, I've never tried Digital Devil Saga before but I love Shin Megami Tensei games, and I already had the .Hack game, but I will resell it and put the money towards one of the other ones in the series. Probably Quarantine since it costs 85$ here.

I'm still trucking through Fire Emblem. I chose to reclass Frederick as a general so that is working pretty well. I think a couple of missions in to the new continent. I don't want to say too much and spoil the game for anyone who hasn't played. I also started playing The Witcher Enhanced Edition. It runs alright on my laptop and that universe is really deep and interesting. I need to sit down and see if I can track down any of the short stories for the universe. Although I enjoy the game it does have that old PC game feel to it. The combat is clunky, the animations look old, and it seems overly complex. I went into it expecting these things so I'm fine with it but if you don't like the older feel, I'd stay away. I'm waiting for the game to really open up and the difficulty to skyrocket. I'm sure I'll have to google some help eventually. I also like what they do with choices. Does anyone know if the choices hold up for the rest of the game or into Witcher 2?

That's all for now. A lot less gaming will be happening with finals approaching.

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