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Finally Gone Home

After finishing my finals I just wanted a game to veg out on. It so happened that fate smiled upon me and sent me an email saying that Humble Bundle was selling Gone Home for 5$. I took them up on the deal, installed it, and went to town. There are spoilers below.

I had heard about Gone Home before but only in small snippets and whispered conversations. I was under the impression that the game was sort of horror-esque. For those of you who have played the game, imagine my surprise after playing it. I fell for the red herring hard, horror was bait at the beginning that gives way to something way more interesting. Every corner I expected a ghost to jump out or something terrifying. Normally I'd be frustrated that a game didn't deliver what I expected but here, I didn't find that. I'd like to think it was because I understood that I wasn't sure what the game was about but actually I think I was just pleasantly surprised with the story. The pacing was great, giving me just the right amount to keep going. It wasn't hard by any means but I felt clever when I found a secret note tucked away. I couldn't help but pick up every item just to make sure hidden messages weren't written on them though. I was worried the game was going to be an indie cliche about sexuality after a while but I didn't get that vibe from it. It was just a cute story that takes you back to the 90's, a time many of us are nostalgic for lately. I can't wait to let my girlfriend play it and see what she thinks. If you haven't tried it give it a play, it's a really sincere story that is well put together. It's not for everyone but for those that are in the mood for it, it will touch you.

I am still moving my way through Fire Emblem Awakening. Its a tough grind though. I cannot seem to get through missions without doing a ton of grinding. Its getting especially annoying because I usually only fail when I get to the generals at the end. Walhart does 43 damage x2! What am I supposed to do about that, die that's what.

Once I get home I'm going to set up my gamecube and start into Cubivore. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

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