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Starting .Hack and Final Fantasy VI

I just put the cap on The Legend of Zelda a Link Between Worlds and Cubivore. Both were great games in their own right and I highly recommend both if you have the chance to play them. Just don't expect them to be similar in anyway.

Since I have a big ole hole in my heart with my console game and handheld game of choice beaten I need to find a new pair. .Hack Infection and Final Fantasy VI have been chosen to fill that hole. .Hack Infection will be played on its original system the PS2 and FF VI will be played on the GBA.

I'm not playing PS2 games for the graphics.
I'm not playing PS2 games for the graphics.

I'm about an hour and a half into .Hack which isn't even enough to say I'm through the tutorial. First impressions though were the following. Having a desktop in the game where you can read (fake) forums is an awesome way to convey story and game tips, although I can't imagine another game it would work for. Also, this game looks like hot garbage. Animations are repetitive and clunky and textures look like they were slapped together in MS Paint. I've played enough older games though that graphics don't bother me too much, but if its an issue for you, stay away. The other thing that is bothering me about the game is the nomenclature for it. Usually I can follow the spell patterns in games (cure, cura, curaga or dia and media) but this game is much harder to get a read on. They don't even have spells. Everything is an "ability" or "skill". It's bothersome now but I'm sure given enough time I'll move past it.


Final Fantasy VI is a game that I had started a long time but never finished. I have a very nasty habit of starting games and never finishing them. It stems from my collector mindset and wanting to sample everything out there. I recall stopping play around the time your group splits up and...somebody goes on a rafting adventure? The first half an hour will definitely be me trying to figure out where I was and what I was doing. The game is just as great as you have heard though. I have beaten Final Fantasy 1-5 and 13 and so far 6 is shaping up to be in the top 3. It looks amazing, I never knew sprites could look so great and the titular characters are well written and a blast to use. I can't wait to see all 14 characters to play as!

Just to close things up a friendly reminder, Bravely Default demo is up. Activities you do will unlock things in the full game and the story in the demo can be found no where else. It's fun and not that large of download so treat yourself and try it out. I'll write more on it when I have had my fill. Enjoy your games!