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I did like assassin's creed black flag, and I thought the option to explore was coo too. The boat battles can be interesting if I actually want to fight them, but for the most part if I want to explore, I felt like i was being forced to battle the ships and either I had to dresd through fighting these ships which may actually be real easy, or a real pain in the ass, but end up attracting attention from other ships so I have to fight more... Either all that or be under a lot of pressure to sneak around the boats to avoid and focus real hard just so I won't have to fight all that kills the water exploring to these little pieces of land sticking out or islands or what ever else I can boat too that's off story...

But i would like a game where I can explore on foot a lot too, without boating, which is why New York in the game interests me lol...

Is it still fun without the boating? Am I being forced into boat combat a lot?

To be honest, a lot of times in blag flag, if I didn't wanna do a boat battle, id actual try to get my timing right so if I want to avoid boat battle, I would Park my boat a little far, jump out and swim to the enemy boat and kill everyone on there then take there stuff and that was more fun than actually boat fighting lol

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I want a good open world game other than GTA and I want something I can mess around with and have fun and waste time lol

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I don't want someone to necessarily attack me, but more so to help me attack players, and attract players to a specific location to build chaos on the server :P :)