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Mega Man 64

(I hate vending machines... Does it show?)

Took me awhile to get my hands on this one, but I finally did it.. And now i'm kicking tin can butt... Literally...

Mega Man has always been a beloved series with a large group of gamers and this was the time that Mega Man went 3D, took it to a whole other level! I've seen mixed reviews with the 64 version and I don't know why some people hate on it.

I still find it quite fun to play around in, tons of stuff to do and a open area like world, though linear... It has a very downgraded kind of feel that FF13 gave off, In the sense that you had freedom but all the same it was part of a bigger purpose.

The area is full of color and people are friendly enough that you get a nice nostalgic feeling before the recession hit.

(Too soon, or too late?)

Course that's not to say that this game doesn't have it's issues, what games don't these days though?

The robot got stuck in the wall and therefore was unable to accurately hit me when I was out of the way of his weapon.

Sometimes it's things like this that can kill the mood of the game play, but if you can look over some of these horrible collision difficulties the game does appear to have, there is quite a fun game to be had here, I'm not sure if i'd really call it a challenge, but it's worth a look-see if you ever get your hands on a copy, keep in mind there was also a version on the PS1.


Should a game like this take place!?

       (Kicking Evil-Doers in their absolute bad pants.) 

 That's right fellow chums, It's that time again and we've been called by our master of liberty..

No matter what nation you're from, no matter what flag, or religion you salute/bow down to, there is always one thing we can turn to! JUSTICE!!! And by that call, we will serve and kick evil men in their bad pants...!

-Cough- Ahem.. -Cough- Anyway, who would like a new IP of Super Heroes? Something with a split screen, or drop in buddy system for co-op online, I would love it if a company would pour their budget into the entire storyline and feel of the game, Arkham Asylum was wicked! But I want a new super hero, one that we don't know of but can relate to!

(One that doesn't involve tiny lightning bolts that could only super charge a smart car, pah! Try and do that while i'm smashing your face with my super human fists of justiceness!)

I want to play the every day life of a super hero, be it rich, or poor.. Not like this DC Online MMO we have coming out, sure it may be awesome! But I want graphics that can make our jaws drop, I want to see things like we did from the cartoons!

Not only could we connect with them personally, but they showed us what happened in their lives during the day time, before all the crazy bad guys would kick in and the drama started to flow, I want to play and live in a super hero simulator, with combat mechanics that don't absolutely suck. (AKA: Saw.)

I don't want gamer timers for pizza missions if I decided to become a pizza boy for a living, I want an arm animation with a working watch, just like you'd see in Dead Rising! Course you'd have to change it up, so that it wasn't too alike the other games, but I want something that would give me the total experience of feeling what it's like to be a super hero.

I want that rush of seeing a crime happen and then having to find a nice and shady spot so that I can whip into my costume and keep my identity a secret behind whatever it is that I may wear, heck I might even wear street clothes!

Give me customization that isn't set in categories of things that look like a rainbow puked up on them, show me details in the city, or country side even that draw me in! In fact, maybe I should go to college for this? Maybe... Just maybe..

I should make this game?


Old Gamespot Post! - New Giant Bomb Post!!

 So yeah, this is a post from my Gamespot blog, however i'm trying to run dual blogs here and will begin to post different content on each blog, but for now i'm going to post content that original Giant Bomb members have yet to see, but yeah this is the start to my nostalgic blog.


Through my wide variety of games, thanks to  Darkman2007, I have decided to pick this one up and give it try!

As you've already seen! My previous article was for Street Fighter: Zero 2, which was seemingly my favorite Street Fighter Game, but that has now been replaced by number 3! Not only are the moves lush and pretty easy to control, but the colors have my ADD tendencies very amused! You're gonna notice somehow our fighters names got seriously messed up.

(Not my fault.)


(Can you say, ownage?!)

And yet he hasn't died? What kind of shit is this?


Nostalgic Gaming!

I'm not exactly sure if photo's will go into blogs since i've yet to start an actual blog here, but my next post if I can.. Will be a lot more fancy!
Keep in mind I do a lot of nostalgic gaming and bring back old memories of the good old days!  You can even make requests and see i'll see if I can find a copy to play.
Have a great day. ~ Zehro