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I hopped off the AAA train when the ps4 came out. Partly for price, but mostly because I just don't really like the feel/style of AAA games these days. Can't stand the games as a service model especially.

Way I see it, the pool of potential customers has got to be shrinking. Stagnating wages + increased inflation = less spending power. Tbh, I had my money on an industry crash sometime this gen. Maybe expanding gaming demographics has helped keep it at bay so far, but that's not a permanent solution.

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I have found I need to have a ton of patience and a willingness to meet retro games on their terms in order to have fun. I feel like a lot of those old games aren't necessarily poorly designed but just designed with different priorities/mindsets. If I can figure out the designers' intentions, I can actually have a lot of fun.

That said I've never been able to enjoy LttP. I grew up on the Capcom zeldas and it's hard to go backwards when the formula is identical but without the qol improvements. I hate how link's movement feels and the sword feels so short and clunky.