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GOTY 2011

I already wrote an article about this on Darkstationso I'm going to gloss over some of these entries

List items

  • The Witcher 2 was to me the best game that came out this year. While as a game it occasionally stumbles, it is an immensely rewarding experience. The gameplay is solid and can be very challenging at times, but there is a depth to the combat system that makes it fun and exciting. If you’re just in it for the story, you can always bump it down to easy and roll through it. The art and graphics are phenomenal and its one of the best looking games that came out in 2011. I think the thing that impressed me the most was that the game treats you like a mature individual capable of handling difficult and horrible choices in a morally decrepit world. Almost no game treats you that way, either assuming you are a paragon of virtue, or letting you make pretty stark moral choices. The Witcher 2 attaches weight to your decisions showing you the consequences of your actions and giving them a substantial impact upon the world around you, another thing lacking in many RPGs that only let your choices affect the world surface deep. It’s a game that will make you smile, laugh, cry, cringe, and ultimately think about yourself and the real world that you live in. The characters in this game are no mean archetypes, but real and subtle characters that grow and change with the events around them. You’ll grow to love some and hate others. There’s not much else that needs to be said except that it is a game everyone should at least try because there is nothing quite like it.

  • Bastion is wonderful game. The art is beautiful, the soundtrack is pitch perfect, and the gameplay wraps it all up. The world of Bastion is well worth exploring, and it weaves a compelling narrative in between bouts of amazing gameplay. Its a short trip, but a memorable one with one of the best endings to a game ever.

  • A lot has already been said about Saint's Row the Third. At its basic level its just a lot of fun. Yet it would not be so high on this if that was all it was. It has amazing characters and funny dialogue that keep you going. It's hard to explain why its so amazing, so I'll just end this by saying that you should really play Saint's Row.

  • I didn't play CoD this year or much of Battlefield 3. Instead I played a ton of TrackMania 2. This is the game I spent the most time with this year, and I wouldn't have done that if it hadn't been so much fun. Also, is it okay to give a best music award to a game where the music is added by players?

  • Look....I don't know either.

  • It's hard to follow a game like Arkham Asylum, but Rocksteady managed to do it. They kept their gameplay formula the same, but if it ain't broke don't fix it. The biggest and most important change was the improvements made to the story. These changes make it one of the best non-comic Batman stories ever.

  • Dead Space 2 aims to impress from the moment you start. It's a terrifying and exciting journey that take you through an emotional roller coaster and immensely satisfying gameplay mechanics. It doesn't hurt that the game has wonderful graphics a stunning art style.

  • I didn't care about Mortal Kombat as a franchise or as a game, but after playing MK9 I've changed my tune. Its a great fighting system combined with the best and most extensive single player in a fighting game ever. The crazy characters and world of MK is on full display and is really compelling. Some unfortunate online issues sour its legacy, but its still some of the most fun I've had this year.

  • Yes it's more Gears of War, but I love me some GoW. While it may not have the strongest campaign from a gameplay perspective, it provides a fitting ending to the trilogy that is emotionally compelling. Combine that with a finely tuned and finally working multiplayer, extensive co-op options, and wonderful graphics, you have a recipe for success.

  • L.A. Noire is not a perfect game. It has its share of flaws, but the steps in storytelling it takes are truly impressive. The amazing facial animations and lovingly designed city bring the game to life in a way I've never seen before.