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Alright duders - so if you haven't already noticed, we just finished up pushing the new forum code out this afternoon. Big ups to Andy (the Man-dy) for speeding up the migration script. This enabled us to go ahead and make the push this afternoon instead of later this evening (cause we have a hot review coming at ya that we didn't want held up).

andy is a wizard!
andy is a wizard!
Anyway, we've received a lot of feedback from you guys regarding bugs (and we've squashed almost all of them - i'm working on a few more right now), but the feedback has been mostly positive. Our hope is that it brings the overall readership of your blogs up - so we can start more interesting discussions around stuff that's important to you guys.

Next Steps:
So what's next. Well, we have to roll this out on ComicVine, and from there I'll probably go back and fix a few notification bugs before Dave and I move onto the next community feature.

So, we keep going back and forth on what the next big feature we build out should be (grammar rockstar). We're looking at doing either some sort of Achievement System or possibly a Groups/Battles System. There's pros and cons to each, and both will eventually get done - we just don't know which one to do first. 

Have any suggestions? Reply below and lets see what you guys think.