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The annoyingly late yet mandatory best games of 2009

In no particular order. I think.

List items

  • A wonderful JRPG that puts the theme of family and the development of the characters before the main story. It's the best Role-playing game I've ever played and unexpectedly gave me many moments of high emotion and drama.

  • Reassuringly familar and comfortable, Dragon Age: Origins was just like putting on a nice woolly (yet slightly itchy) jumper to stave away those nasty first-person shooter thingy's.

  • The subject of one of my most damaging additions, Borderlands is a vacuuous game that I shouldn't give two shits about. And yet.... I can't stop playing the damn game! I can't explain it. I won't explain it. I just love it - and I hate myself for it.

  • Let's be clear - I couldn't care less about Batman, Joker, Commissioner whatever his goddamn name is... until I played this. It turned me from a snooty comic-book snob into a bag of nerds about graphic novels and all the superhero stuff I had ignored up to then. Arkham Asylum had an atmosphere and a coherant world that all felt perfectly designed, implemented and some other word that means it was chuffing ace.

  • This game hates my rancid guts. And I hate it equally for spilling those guts after two hours of hard slog and erasing all the effort I had put into my last play-session. But what I love is its miserable, depressing and grimy world that feels like it might bleed out of my PS3 and infect my already curmudgeonly life. I've never felt so deeply disturbed by a videogame world and never so compelled to keep going back and trying again and again to make it thorugh a level.

    I'm pretty sure I hate myself for all this too.