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"You gay fag" The kids behind the microphones

As some of you guys might know, I work at a game shop in Australia (creatively called GAME) while I'm studying my Journalism Degree full time. I'm often exposed to tons of interesting people, for better and worse. Most of the time it's just 19-25 year old guys with their girlfriends browsing, the dad with the kids and wife agreeing to "meet him back here" is also another popular customer. There is (with every retail job) the angry mum and the snot nosed- little shit of a kid who gets whatever he wants by whining hard enough.  
Yesterday, as I worked through my 3-9 shift, this group of 11-12 year old kids came in and for fuck know those kids who scream and swear on Xbox Live/PSN/Steam? Yeah, they're like that in real life as well.  
As they went around the shop touching displays and messing up the games (which I have no problem with, they're kids after all) some of the shit that came out of their mouths was just fucking terrible.  
"Bioshock 2? thats a fucking shit game for pussies, I was waiting for the girl to give me a blowjob hahahahah" 
"OMG NAUGHTY BEAR this bear kills shit n stuff, ill give you a blowjob if you get that game man!!"  
 "The PS3 has internet on it so you can go on redtube on the big screen *giggle like little girls*" 

So, the mum comes in from another shop carrying a bunch of bags and stands with the boys as they decided which game they wanted.  
"How about this one?" said the mum as she picked up the On Sale Mirrors Edge 
" Shutup mum, you don't get to talk in here" 
The mum just turns around and smiles at me as if to say 'Oh those boys :-D'
I stopped paying attention and served and greeted a few customers and the kids and mum came up to the counter with a copy of Bioshock 2 (Rated MA in Australia, the highest our shitty rating system goes at the moment) and I say to the mum "Is it ok that this is MA?" which she replied "he gets whatever will shut him up" and again, I got the 'those boys of mine hey ? :-D!!' smile.  
The mum pays for the game and leaves the shop.The kids stay behind to see if they can annoy me by asking if I was gay or if i thought they were attractive.  
Anyway, this is a call out to anyone that works in retail, any similar stories? and do you think the age of saying stuff you would only say on the internet in real life is upon us?