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#1  Edited By cranstallion

@patrickklepek said:

Grammar Girl resonated with me, because it provided a window into a world that I’ll never know. Fuck the hateringers.

Finally something I can agree with.

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#2  Edited By cranstallion
@Bravestar said:
The numbers of the Game Developer salary survey don't say that much, unless we get the standard deviation too(I don't know if it was included in the survey) or atleast the median. An average of 70 to 90 could mean most of them earn above 100k, when you have someone like indie devs in the pool, who earn next to nothing and who pull the average number down. But without some more numbers it's impossible to say.
Also, Patrick apparently got the "overall average" by adding the numbers together and dividing by 6. Because every game has equal parts of each of the 6 roles, right?
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#3  Edited By cranstallion

In which common adverbs are counted in written reviews. Post 1.
Ocarina of Time 3D (Brad, wordsmith and winner):  2.7% adverbs (**** out of *****) 

Best adverblyish sentence: And while gyroscope-based motion control for aiming originally seemed like a bad idea to me, it actually comes in handy for precisely aiming projectile items like the hookshot and bow. 
Child of Eden (Ryan, high hog): 2.7% adverbs (**** out of *****) 
Best adverblyish sentence: It was arguably the game that triggered the ever-maddening "games as art" black hole of internet debate in earnest, and virtually every abstract, ethereal little sincerely subtitled indie rhythmic shooter since then owes a debt to Rez.

Infamous 2 (Brad, king of life): 1.5% adverbs  (** out of *****)
Best adverblyish sentence: These choices really only act as gateways to which cutscenes you see and which powers you get to access (and, in a few cases, which missions you have available), though again, I couldn't help picking the good option in every case on my first playthrough. 

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#4  Edited By cranstallion

Brad: This is something I haven't seen in awhuuullle.
Ryan: Right, right. A melange of melangeries.
Brad: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........   but.......... not......... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Patrick: HA HA *clap clap clap clap clap*
(Name one bombcast where Brad does not say "in awhile" southernly. Name one bombcast where Brad does not discount somebody's assertion (1) while having tenuous [which is another Brad favorite word] evidence and/or an incomplete understanding of the question due to not paying attention and (2) by saying "ehh" in a drawn out way. Name one Patrick video where he does not clap clap clap clap at something HILARIOUS. Also, Ryan is saying melange a lot lately, particularly for a word like melange, which has some accent mark I don't have time to ALT select.)
But seriously love you guys except Brad!