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The winner of the 2010 election is....

Its kinda strange isnt it, here we are 3 days past the election results and we still dont know who won, we still have the same government. Now first off its easy to say the Conservatives won. I mean they won the most seats. If you took anyone who isnt European to analyze our election results they would say the sharply dressed man in the blue tie obviously beat the half asleep scruffy looking one. But no, and here we are, Prime Minster Gordon Brown is still the head of HM Government, The Chancellor Alistair Darling is off setting British financial policy on the continent and The Conservatives and Liberals are spending a whole lot of time talking. 
Some things are clear however. As much as it annoys me to see Gordon Brown in number 10 after he lost, it is his constitutional responsibility and hes doing the right thing. Gordon Brown whatever the outcome, wont be our Prime Minster in a month (more on that later) and most likely David Cameron will be the Prime Minster. But who lost, and won? We dont worry, I'll break it down. Lets first look at the losers of the 2010 election.      

The Losers


Gordon Brown: Yeah the scruffy looking man we called our Prime Minster for the last 3 years is one of the biggest losers in this situation. Forever we'll look back and say "Theres Mr. Brown, the Prime Minster that never won a single election. I always thought Gordon should have called an election in 2007, after he became leader of the  country. He would have more credibility. But he didnt..... So anyway, we know he won't be Prime Minster for multiple reasons. 

  1. He lost the election 
2. Nick Clegg doesn't like him 
3. The British people probably wouldnt support him 
Looking at number 1, its pretty obvious that he has to go. Nick Clegg wont support him, because he dislikes the man, the cost of a Labour/Lib Dem coalition would be the head of Gordon Brown. And 2/3 of Britains now think he should resign    

Their logo is retarded 
Their logo is retarded 
 The Conservatives: Yeah what?! The Conservatives are another big loser in the election. Yes, even after they won the popular vote, the most seats and their leader will probably be PM. They lost. The fact of the matter is is that the amount of cuts needed to control the debt will kill the chances of them being re-elected for the foreseeable future. Now I know all the parties proposed cuts, but the conservatives will be the ones who did them. And their record *cough* Thatcher *cough* doesnt help much either.   

The Liberal Democrats:  Yeah, they lost too... not only was their election performance a major disappointment for them, some lib dem figures expected them to win 100 seats, but they'll get blamed whatever they do. The Lib Dems only have a few options now, yes they are the kingmakers in this situation, but they're still going to be blamed. And this is why. 
 Looks like this eagles had its wings clipped...
 Looks like this eagles had its wings clipped...
1. Join a coalition with the Conservatives: They'll get blamed for spending cuts 
2. Form a pact or with the Conservatives or leave a minority Conservative government: They'll get blamed for not supporting a stable coalition government 
3. Join a coalition with Labour and others to form "progressive alliance": They'll get blamed for supporting the losers and the spending cuts
You see whatever the Liberal Democrats do, they're screwed.. 
The First Past the Post system:
Yeah I know this isnt a person or group. But the 2010 election has showed that we finally need to get rid of it. The first past the post system has its advantages, but only in a two party county like America. Sure we only have 2 parties that for government, but the lib dems got 23% of the vote. We have a 3 party now.... The last time we had a hung parliament the Liberal party had 6 seats, now they have 57. Now I dont support proportional representation but at least changing the voting system to alternative vote will make it more fair

The Winners

   The Labour Party: 
Yeah, the party that came second has won. You see they can't really take the blame for spending cuts anymore (even though they would have done them) the conservatives will get the blame for them. The Liberals will get lammed for 1 of those 3 reasons and Labour will just sit there. The party of opposition. Now 
Well this doesn't seem fair for all 
Well this doesn't seem fair for all 
Labour will only be a winner in this if they get rid of Gordon Brown. He has to go, the party has to move on. Hell they dont even have to re-brand or anything! Just get a good leader who can argue with Cameron at Prime Minsters Questions and blame them for everything and you've won, Labour always has the remember the 80's and 2010's card during elections. And again it doesnt matter that Labour would cut things too! The British people either dont know or care. Now the party will certainly stay near the centre, but would probably shift to the left a little to show that they arent the Lib Dems or Torys. But the future looks good for Labour        
The Media:
Yeah, thats an obvious one.... This just gives them more time to talk about it. So more money for them