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Blog the First: Opening Remarks

First thing to get out of the way: yes, part of the reasoning behind beginning this is to fulfill the requirements of the associated quest. Call me a quest/achievement whore, call me what you will, but on the plus side it was enough incentive to get started on doing this, and this has been something I keep meaning to start yet constantly find ways of avoiding. 
Now that we have that sorted, I think I'm going to use this initial post to lay out the format that I plan on testing out in here. 
What Am I Playing?  
Pretty self-explanatory, I'll go into my thoughts on whatever game(s) I'm playing at present, upcoming released I'm stoked for, and other generally gaming-related things.
What Am I Thinking? 
I'll use this section to comment on things going on in the world of GiantBomb, or in the world of Life, or whatever else catches my fancy.  

Check the title. One entirely random thing, whether that be a link to a website, a Youtube video, or what have you. Promises to be wholly different with each update. 
Alrighty, that's all for now, hopefully anyone who actually reads this will enjoy what they read. Over and out.