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I blame Brad for dragging me back into Dota2

as silly as Brad's antics were, I'm just right now installing Dota2, it's at 700 mb should take over 20 minutes to install.

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Sigh, where do I begin?

Okay, was in the beta like a lot of people and found it a bit interesting. Just start out with being nice, I love the streamline interface, I love viewing matches using in game assets, friends list is just a click away, new character designs and art is better, and it's relatively easy to play.

Now that's done with complements. That's about it, brad's enthusiasm is what's holding me up now. Just like how hot air holds up a balloon.

Lets face facts, it's community that just holds this game together but even if I play with my friends it's just not the same.

You know how you just spend too much time making your little base in starcraft, and you spend more time in your base then actually exploring and fighting the enemies. That's not a design flaw, that's actually your general interest in the game's world that you spend more time and effort in making your troops look pretty then actually taking them out to fight. A good example of this is Xcom, awarding skill points and naming characters only to cry when the die in combat is just half of the drama in that game.

With that being said, yes, you can play alone much like you can play Borderlands alone. Hell you can play anything alone. And then the rest of the world says your playing it wrong. No it's not wrong, sometimes it's fun to build with legos alone play and I prefer reading all of the mission text in World of Warcraft. When I read books I think of Mark Hamill voice in my head.

And well, the community just poisoned the well. Rushing to get immediate gratification just up ended making this into a more speed based game.... but it's not that. In fact your being punished for quitting matches and being polite to other players..... which is something I HAVE NEVER seen before when I was in beta. Considering how successful Valve has done with TF2, L4D series and Portal in rethinking the way gamers play games, they still haven't been able to simplify a really messy game like Dota, there's about 5 different windows you can pop up, item shops, gold production, who's winning or loosing, text window, and something else I'm forgetting because it's another glorious waste of time. TF2 the most simplest thing it took away was grenades, there were jump grenades you could use to just exploit the map, and only a small minority of hardcore fans cried about it. Still there's billions of other exploits to be had in TF2 that the fans keep making just to have more goofy fun. Now there's other servers to log into and discover something more complex, personally for me I prefer the capture the frog servers that resemble something more like Quake 1.

But again back to the community, well I just don't mind the idea of just "first thing I see, I hit it." And really that's when someone on the server just will just rant how I'm playing the game wrong. No not really, these bizarre series of rules set up aren't clearly define, the inclusion of tutorial doesn't nearly help on the ethnic tribal customs to which I must play to make some tubby basement deweller feel happy about the game. "Don't feed the enemy" is such a weird term, how am I not suppose to learn if I don't fall face flat first? Why is it everyone expect you to just play like a paragon of golden light? And this is where I'm most concern with Valve, why can I not just MUTE EVERYTHING.

I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT 99% OF THE FUCKING SCREEN. At least in torchlight I could reduce the opacity down to just the fucking energy bar and mana bar. Why do I have to have center of the screen terrible horrible soulless creatures yelling at me I'm at the wrong lane? No I'm not, It's the fucking center of the map where the fuck am I suppose to be going? Valve makes games for deaf and blind people but somehow I need to listen to just some horrible greasy face troll yelling at me how I can't play the game right. I should have the right to just completely mute him and never see him again.

Because I feel L4D is the best example of a game where you can totally play that on mute, and you can play that game and be helpful without feeling like your a liability. Through arrows, glows on the borders of the screen, and simple inclusion of bots, you can feel comfortable of just coming into a random game and not even knowing the people you are playing with. Coordination maybe key but then you can just as log out and no serious penalty will happen.

Dark Souls has a better sense of teaching you new mechanics through stupidity. Hey feel free to run up to that bull monster, and then learn from seeing their attack patterns, learning their range and timing your own attacks. And even Dark Souls has the most confusing interface and even that is decipherable as you go through more play through.

Now that they added a better closer camera, it's a slight improvement. It'd be WONDERFUL if they designed a control scheme using a Steam Controller. I'm not kidding, console this game up, simplify it, make every spell just a mouse click away. White wash all of that Warcraft 3 out of it. I'm never going to apply for tournament, this isn't Street Fighter 3. I'm playing a free game so I'd love it to be dumb down to a Dive Kick level of simplicity.

well the new camera is a wonderful step up, in enjoying this game, but I feel there's a lack of customization just really bothers me. It's just so devoted to that original Warcraft 3 design that it's a religion at this point. The persistent clicking isn't helpful, in fact it's more of notice of how terrible the path finding is and slow player movement is. Since it's only one simple hero your controlling a controller design would help it a lot like Diablo 3 or Torchlight on console immediate feedback would help a lot.

blah, I just needed to rant. I mean I WANT TO LOVE THIS GAME! I really do, the art style is amazing, the combat is simple and fun, but it's just got some serious fundamental problems. And I speak as someone with 60 hours marked in and already uninstalled this game. The game has finished downloading, so when I eventually uninstall this game again I do not blame Brad for this...

I blame everyone else.

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