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Oh Family.

So I just had a visit with family on my fathers side. This wouldn't be so weird except that I haven't heard from my father in maybe 5 years.  
Why they wanted to see me is beyond me, I haven't even talked to them in maybe 10 years.  
The visit was fine, after an hour we ran out of things to talk about and they left. So pretty much they showed up to get me out of bed 3 hours before I normally would and that's it



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Edited By Crono11

So I just had a visit with family on my fathers side. This wouldn't be so weird except that I haven't heard from my father in maybe 5 years.  
Why they wanted to see me is beyond me, I haven't even talked to them in maybe 10 years.  
The visit was fine, after an hour we ran out of things to talk about and they left. So pretty much they showed up to get me out of bed 3 hours before I normally would and that's it