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Best of 2010

Cronoman66: Best of 2010

List items

  • ME2 was a vast improvement over the already fantastic Mass Effect. The clunkiness of the first games combat removed for a slick experience with a brillantly paced space opera that makes you care for the collection of polygons on screen and if they survive the events they are involved in. Add to this the consistant additions of DLC make this one of the games of the year

  • Capcom successfully reinvigorated the Fighting genre with Street Fighter IV, and a year later they are refining an already great experience, the new additions to the roster a worthy and add to the depth and the various balances made make the game a more fun experience. The new online modes also give you extra options when you get bored of regular 1v1.

  • Bayonetta could not be more Japanese if it tried, and this is part of why I like it so much, it's a no holds bared assault of the senses that is insane from start to finish. Add to this the indepth combat system that makes this one of the games of the year.

  • An amazing reinvention of the classic arcade game

  • Vanquish is pure unadulterated Adreniline, every moment is non stop "OH SHIIIIIIT" and for it's admittedly short run time it does let off the gas for it's entirity, and perfect example of gameplay pacing coupling with doing and seeing something you have never seen before.

  • The back to basics approach combined with the extreme precision needed makes this an incredibly hard but fun platformer that makes you want to have "just one more go"

  • In terms of the Halo franchise, Reach is the most feature packed of them all, providing the player with the freedom to play the game how they want. The additions add deep, tactical depth putting it on par with this years other AAA FPS titles.

  • A tremendous co-op experience that is one of the few games I've felt I "HAD" to play in Co-op. The two characters abilities play of each other in a way that makes you work together, instead of alongside each other like other Co-op experiences such as Halo: Reach.

  • Odd Choice for game of the year 2010 sure but Quake Live got me back into competitive FPS.

  • Now, I realise this is an odd choice, but I really havn't played a lot of new releases this year. All Star Racing is competent, well made Kart racer that cribs a lot of it's design from the Mario Kart series. It provides a fun nostagia burn