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So after hours of dying I finally concluded that I wouldn't be able to defeat Ornstein and Smough (at least not alone).

That's why I messaged @rich666; he already offered some help and I thought to give it a shot. Well anyway, we both took down the boss (first try, it's amazing how much easier it was) and I'm able to enjoy the game thoroughly now (I already loved it but now, after O&S..., damn, it's just really cool).

Well anyway; Although I wasn't able to kill them alone this time, there's still NG+ waiting for me and that's why everyone's advice was still extremely helpful and I'm so grateful for that! Just wanted to say a huge Thank You to everyone who replied to my stupid thread. This thing can be locked now.

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Thank you all for the helpful advice. I'm pretty sure everyone else would be able to kill Ornstein and Smough easily now. Too bad, I'm god damn awful at this game and can't defeat them, whatever I do or how much help I get.

So, uh, I tried everything mentioned in this topic; I tried to be more patient (which worked for the first 500 times pretty well before I gave up), hold my Uchigatana with two hands and dodged Ornstein's attacks (that was surprisingly easy), only used lock-on sparingly on Ornstein and still tried to keep an eye on Smough (that worked kinda well) and the thing I failed at; attemptin to put a lot of distance between O&S. I'm not really sure why, but I'm not able to put enough distance between those two. The few seconds I had with Ornstein alone were really nice and I was able to get him down to maybe 30% of his health, but that only happened once. Normally, for some odd reason when I'm playing, Ornstein almost always prefers it to walk slowly next to Smough instead of running high speed at me. He only starts to run when Smough is already close enough to kick my ass (I dodge Smough's attack and sprint away, but then I have to wait for him again). It's good see that they're such close friends, but come on, it frustrates the hell outta me.

What am I supposed to do? I want to continue playing Dark Souls, it's so much fun but I'm apparently too much of a noob for it (I really wasn't that bad before those two, come on!).

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#3  Edited By CrownKitten


Ah well, I attempted to defeat Ornstein and Smaugh againwithout success. I greatly appreciate the given advice and I tried to use it (at least somewhat, still a total noob I guess), but got killed anyway. I even started to think that I don't do enough damage with my Uchigatana (which doesn't make sense since it is supposed to be pretty good ((that's at least what I've read, I have no idea!)).

@dprotp said:

Is your equip burden under 50%?

Uh, I think so. It says 21.1/67.0, so i guess that shouldn't be a problem (hopefully..).

@shindig said:

I beat them wearing Havel's set.

Is it necessary to wear the Havel's set? I don't think fat roll for a dex build would be good (but I have no idea..).

@shindig said:

The Eagle Shield offers good lightning resistance. That should help you against Ornstein who is arguably the more aggressive.

I don't have the Eagle Shield and going all the way back to Blight Town to collect it sounds like a nightmare. Is there any other good (but low weight one) I could use?

Thank you both for the quick replies, this boss just frustrates me to no end!

(oh, and I apologize for my awful grammar sometimes, English isn't my first language waaah)

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Dark Souls has been a lot of fun so far and I enjoyed it quite a bit till I arrived in Anor Londo. I already had some problems with other bosses (especially the Capra Demon...) but always managed to defeat them in the end. Now, after a lot of noobing, I had finally arrived in Anor Londo and didn't die as often as I expected... until I met the new boss. Ornstein and Smough. Whatever I do, I can't kill them. I mostly try to focus on Ornstein, but it still happens that Smough hits me although I tried to doge (I'm still quite a noob, sorry 'bout that). And when Smough doesn't hit me, Ornstein hits me with his lightning attacks and I'm dead. I really don't want to know how often I had tried to kill them and failed miserably.

Well anyway, can someone please help me? I tried to summon Solaire but he dies too quickly and I'm too scared to waste all of my humanity.

I'm SL 56 and my stats are

Vitality 27

Attunement 12

Endurance 27

Strength 16

Dex 27

Resistance 12

Intelligence 10

Faith 8

I'm using an Uchigatana +10, Grass Crest Shield +5 and wear the entire Gold-Hemmed Black Set. I also play on PS3 if that makes any difference.

Advice and any help is appreciated, thanks! (please help me, I'm desperate)