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Really come on...


 So I went to see Pixars latest epic movie on Tuesday and what can I say? The film starts rather slow but other than that the film rivals that of FInding Nemo, if not bettering it in my opinion. The funny thing was that the cinema I went to was full of adults and roughly about four kids. The theme below all the "cuteness" is quite powerful. The charachters, storyline and animation had one lady in tears a number of times which was really quite funny! 5 Star Film. Now I just have to wait for the Dark Knight on Friday...
Forum chaos much?
Forum chaos much?

Day 1990283... I mean 4

 So it's been four days since the official launch of GiantBomb, I must say things are getting a bit hetic in the forums and seems like a couple of moderators really wouldn't hurt at this stage to help tidy up things and restore peace and order amongst the forum goers. Really it needs it badly.