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Dat Vidya Game of Thrones

So what in the word should I talk about here? Never had a blog before but figure its high time I started one(haha). Everyday has been an accomplishment, an achievement so to speak from the literal in game ones to daily activities that breakup gaming goodness. What apple is ripper than one of sweet juiciness and total health satisfaction. Just like an apple I view my gaming habit as an object. It can grow old and weak but still have strong potential. Correlating to life where video games are second to real life but ready to swing back into things at the right moment. Then there is the corrupt withered roots of Saruan himself, with boundless skill and determination also lies a twisted heart cold and warped from lack of warmth. This is the gamer with no soul, one who has giving himself to the call of duty and who will march those virtual lines untill oblivion. Finally we have the stoic apple, it has endured the worms of hate and envy not giving in to the obsession of power in order to create perfect balance. Here we have the well rounded person, he is kind but firm, boundless in confidence and determination and never lets go of what is dear to him. He has many passions and pursuits skilled in instruments, athletics, takes on scholarly pursuits with ease and yet still his number one activity are video games. They are unique like nothing else and hold the power to enthrall forever but also provide light to those who seek. To the weak it is their downfall, but to the trained it is their weapon....

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