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After about a month, I finally got around to buying a new 360. Getting pwned at the Quake Live beta was not good for my console self esteem, but it feels awesome being back on top of the scoreboard in CoD, rather than bottom in Quake.

My only gripe is, the only bundle I could afford was with Tom Clancy's HAWX. After getting my arse kicked by the single player because there's only one way to play the game (i.e. thinking, not something I want to do in a shooter) in GRAW and R6 Vegas 1 and 2, I never wanted to play anything by that single minded man ever again. Waiting until the reticle turns red and pressing A isn't my idea of fun anyway.

While I'm blogging, does anybody know how to get CoD4 to recognise that I have the bloody map pack? I transferred the content licenses and I'm on my old hard drive, but it doesn't recognise that I have it on my console and it's not in my download history. I downloaded the maps with the code from the GotY edition fyi. Is that why it's not in my download history and I can't download it or anything? Gief help ploxxx.