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Fallout, why can't I quit you?

I don't really understand it. Last fall I clocked in my 250th hour into Fallout 3. I realized that I have honestly done every single thing you can do in that game and that it was finally getting a little stale. It was time to return the copy I borrowed from a friend of mine ( and by borrowed I mean took without asking and ignored texts/phone calls/threats asking for it back ) and move on with my life. I had to plenty of games to look forward to anyway, Modern Warfare 2, Assassins Creed 2, Mass Effect 2... I didn't need that game anymore, I can move on to better things. I can quit anytime I want, I'm in control. Or so I thought.
Recently I've been feeling an itch to get back into Fallout again, just out of the blue. Of course I can't play it because I reluctantly gave my friend his copy back. Which might explain why I want to play it so bad. You always want what you can't have you know? I'm not entirely sure why I loved it so much in the first place. I mean the shooting is terrible, the graphics aren't great and it's buggy as hell. Just tons of overall jankiness. Jeff's review  is completely accurate. It's not by any means a perfect game. But none of those things really bothered me that much. The capital wasteland is just a fun place to be and I wanna go back.
This is all perpetuated by the fact that Fallout: New Vegas comes out in half a year. It's kinda sad that even if that game was equal in brokeness to the first one I would still love it. I mean hardcore mode, customizable weapons, how can't it be awesome? But I'm just gonna have to wait I guess. Maybe I'll gamefly Fallout 3 next just so I can get my fix. Ugh.. Fallout, why cant I quit you?