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HARDWIRED - Hack With A Hook Shot, And Don't Get Shot

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HARDWIRED is our team's entry for the CyberPunkJam. It's First-Person game where you use a Hook Shot to navigate the world and collect Data Nodes. The thing to keep in mind is that, while what you see around you is a virtual world, you can still hear authorities moving from room to room trying to find your real-world location. Using your Panic Button, you can freeze the simulation to hide and move to a different room. Mind you, your real-world location is changed for you - you never actually leave the view of cyberspace. There is also a count-down timer, but time is extended if you collect a data node. If the timer runs out, your collection of data nodes is reset to zero. If the authorities find you and you don't hide, you get shot.

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My contribution to this game consisted of the sound effects. My background is primarily in music, so this was the first time I've ever tried making sound effects. It was a really fun challenge! I was lucky to have a diverse sound library on hand to draw from, but the real fun was trying to make things sound "digital" and "in-human" for the world of cyberspace. It was a good excuse to try out some glitchy sounding plug-ins!

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Please check it out and let me know what you think. I'm really impressed with what the team was able to achieve in the context of a GameJam.

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