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Trips, Movies, Games, Etc...

I bought some more movies. Including, but not limited to the following:

Michael Cera in everything!!! 
Michael Cera in everything!!! 
 These purchases come along with the other DVD's I recently picked up including; Stand By Me, One Hour Photo, Moulin Rouge, Rocky Balboa, Coraline, and Edward Scissor Hands. So as you can see, finding $5 DVD's lying around in Walmart and Future Shop has prompted me to finally start building a collection. Some of these I had previously seen, some I had not. Those I had not we're generally wonderful treats.  
Being someone Relatively interested in Film as a career I have deemed it necessary to brush up on general knowledge and understanding of "classic" works (IE, Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, Pulp Fiction, Anything and everything Alfred Hitchcock). Anyone with any suggestions on things I should check out would be great, I do have a list but I really have no way of prioritizing what I've got on it, so suggestions of what is really good would be appreciated.   
Aside from that I'm currently travelling a bunch. Right now, residing in a creepy old room in my grandmothers house filled with ceramic babies and carved sculptures of elephants. Here for two nights after a five day romp at ye olde cottage. Which was great, it's nice and relaxing. I shot a bunch of video which I'll probably end up cutting into something at somepoint that'll you'll eventually be able to find somewhere. Tomorrow I leave here, and get a day of rest before heading to Ottawa for more video shooting and micellaneous fun. Assuming all goes well I'll get my crappy firewire to import video properly so I can show you all the wonders of my escapades.  
I'm continuing to debate picking up a PS3. I've got a keen interest in BF 1943, and Fat Princess since I got to play it at one of my chum's homes. In the meantime I've been playing some Red Faction: Guerilla, and Topple for my iPod. Red Faction has been tons of fun, albeit I really just smack dudes with my hammer...I'm not much for actually doing missions. Topple continues to be frustrating, and level eight is impossible, I don't care what you say.  
So that's DanielJW recently. I look forward to the end of this travelling and regaining the remainder of my generally relaxing summer. Hope you've all been having good ones too.