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  • danielsan21 posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 381.

    @vinny regarding virtualization: What you are thinking about definitely works and I am planning something similar with my server at home. It sounds like you did a lot of homework already, but I want ...

  • danielsan21 posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 379.

    @brad regarding DisplayPort monitor detection (you may have heard all this already but I'm giving it a shot anyway): Do you have the option to disable DDC/CI on your monitors connecting via DisplayPor...

  • danielsan21 posted a message on the post Rhythm Hell Fever - Part 3.

    This fish is a pervert.I'm dying

  • danielsan21 posted a message on the post Rhythm Hell Fever - Part 1.

    This is great. Now I have to find my Wii to replay this game.

  • danielsan21 posted a message on the post Lord of Dogtown.

    Hey @brad, I am currently re-learning all the mechanics of SimCity. I'd like to answer some questions you asked during the stream (unfortunately, I can never catch these live due to time zone differen...

  • danielsan21 posted a message on the post Mayor Shoemaker's Evening Municipal Planning.

    I absolutely love this game so I decided to play along on the same map. I didn't quite focus on aesthetics, however. I would love for this to become a regular feature!

  • danielsan21 posted a new image.