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The Feminist Debate: No Room For Individualism?

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It’s a topic that’s been bugging me for quite some time. Not because I’m not willing to make the blog (what do you call this?), but because there has been quite a lot of heat about this subject, and I feel like I’ve been quite the victim of one side of a multi-layered discussion, and it’s usually the side that thinks it’s all black and white.

Just to not keep you in suspense, this is to try to get this out before a certain feminist “gamer” (quotes intentional) brings out the next part of her series that will leave me old and gray by the time she’s done with it. Yes, you know who she is, and you might know what she’s releasing next: something about “Mrs. Dude Character” with a preview picture that suggests she’s going to invoke a very popular franchise for the umpteenth time. Why? Because, like the rest of her series so far, she's probably looking to give us the visual definition of what a "hit piece" is (if so, keep up the good work, Anita; you're doing a HELL of a job)! We all know the drill by now, and we shouldn't be that surprised or shocked by it. Maybe shocked that she's somehow still relevant (no clue why I bothered looking myself, though this blog has more to do with what people thought of Quiet than with Sarkeesian's latest feminist clown misadventure).

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But what I’m concerned with, before Miss Sarkeesian comes out with her latest rant, is how people react to criticism of her thoughts. I know I’ve talked about it before, but it seems to have since snowballed into another form of criticism in the game industry that isn’t so black and white. Let me give you a few pointers of what I’ve experienced on NeoGAF anymore. First off, whenever her name comes up, it sparks the worst out of people. As in, if I even so much as to try to say this is not the person that should be representing female gamers in this topic because of how she goes about presenting her “facts” and then forms baseless opinions around them, I get called out as being a concern troll, and in at least two cases, banned for about a month’s time. Really? Here’s the deal: she’s a smart person. I get that. I also get that this is a sensitive topic to a lot of people and you can get in trouble if you even say a letter about your opinion wrong.

But, to me, that’s a big problem we have right now. When has it become okay to make people to, in order to call themselves for more pure female protagonists that don’t look like they were a stripper before taking on their current job, you had to agree, word for word, with who they’ve christened as a savior to the cause? When has one person become so championed, that any mistake, error, or misstep she’s made has been either ignored, forgiven, or taken as a plus because “hey, she’s bringing it up, so that makes it okay”? When did she become a person that we are never allowed to challenge the credibility on, especially when there are several pieces of evidence that you can make a reasonable case against her knowledge of the topics she talks about, even in the most civil of ways? What has Anita done that’s so great that any and all criticisms against her are met with the same terms, and accusations that they really don’t care, or that they are for the “male patriarchy”? When, and how, did it get this bad that we can’t even be a feminist gamer without agreeing one hundred and ten percent with a particular person? Of course, not all people have said this, so it’s not directed at those people, but in reality, those that are ”crazy for Anita”, for lack of a better phrase, kind of want you to think that they, as well as Anita, speak for all feminist gamers with their words. Those that disagree with any of it risk being called any bit of hysteria in the book.

But along with my questions of why does she keep bringing up the hate campaign she got put through several months ago as the go-to point as if it happened yesterday, or how people keep thinking that it’s a fair representation of how all male gamers that disagree with anything Anita says act, there is something about the recent issues about this topic that goes beyond anything that Anita has done or said. Aside from many people that think that she’s an utter clown that shouldn’t be talking on behalf of every feminist gamer in the world, there is another problem that some other gamers, who might’ve never even heard of Anita, or have never tuned their frequency to any feminist, have brought up that we have trouble trying to explain.

This came about, in my mind, to when Hideo Kojima revealed a female character for Metal Gear Solid 5 called Quiet. I’m sure you’ve heard of her by now, and we all know the intentions that Hideo has for the character.

Or do we? This goes to my biggest concern at the moment about this subject. How conservative have we become to this matter? Here’s what I mean by that, and please spare me the melodrama when I go to explain this, because it, too, has become so transparent that you might as well make the argument out of thin air.

Yes, I do get tired of seeing over proportioned females (who, as I said, probably was a pole dancer prior) in games, and the same tired clichés when game makers are uninspired (yes, sadly, Anita is correct in the Damsel cliché getting overdone at times) to create new stories at all, much less with female leads or females in prominent roles (I’m convinced that you don’t necessarily have to have the female be playable for her to have a lot of significance in a game’s story as a strong willed character). I’m fine with some sort of change happening to where we have believable characters for both genders (c’mon, guys, not all males are as “macho” or “manly” as you see in games like Call of Duty).

However, I see a huge problem when we go too far the other way and disallow any woman to dress or act the way they want to. I say that because I believe a female is also an individual, and there are different types of females out there, and each deserve to be explored. I’ve known females to actually want to dress in sexy attire and show off. I’ve seen females who want to be conservative. I’ve seen females who do get over their head, as many males do. I’ve seen females be dumb, smart, caring, physically strong or weak, etc.

The problem here is that we have found a solution to the over-sexualized female character in games: do what some third world countries want to do to their females. Let’s cover up every single part of their body except for their eyes so they can see what they are doing when they are doing the housework. Because those females don’t deserve the right to even be seen as a person, let alone an individual. We don’t even look anymore to if the sexiness adds anything to the character we’re talking about. And the worst thing is that we’ve become so closed minded that we can’t even listen to any other maturely made points of view (not talking about the craziness I describe about the “crazy for Anita” or the “psychotic against Anita” blowhards).

Take Quiet, for example. Hideo wanted to create a sexy character. That sexy character got your attention, did it? But what about her personality? Maybe she likes to be sexy because she’s strong willed, and not a single person is going to tell her that she has to dress a certain way. Maybe she dresses a certain way because it makes it better for her to move when she has to. Did we ever stop to think that it’s just within a character’s personality to want to let their hair down and just be themselves, even if that means not wanting to wear a lot of clothes. Of course, I’d be tired if every female character in games did that. That would be not only misogynistic, but also unrealistic. But when it’s within the context of a character to act or be a certain way because they choose to do that, and not because someone, whether it be a man towards a woman, or a boss to an employee, or whatever else, told them that’s how it had to be or else, then it should be acceptable. The reason why the sexiness of someone like Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2 works is because, from what we see out of the character, you would expect her to want to be sexy and glamorous. And she’s not one to be taken lightly, either. If you’re a female that can kick ass like Rikku or Lara Croft or Lightning can do in a game, then hell, you can dress as skimpy or as conservatively as you want.

Of course, that could get a lot of cat calls from some men as we saw in a stream of a Street Fighter 4 playing recently, with condemnation that it even happened. To some degree, condemnation makes sense, but like all issues, there is the other side. When did it not become okay for a male to be attracted to a female, whether it be made from pixels on a screen or a canvas or made out of flesh and bone, and to not show some form of vocal or visual appreciation for it? Of course, some people can get very carried away with it, but look at it this way: those very same people might be cat calling also because they respect females. They respect what they can do, and why they feel comfortable showing off. They respect “the better half” as some people like to call them. This is because, at the end of the day, they are very much like any other person. If a particular woman doesn’t want them, then a male who has heard that will still probably admire them, but won’t overdo it as much, assuming they overdid it at all. I adore the looks of a character like Chun-Li, for instance. She has very sexy legs, and I love how they designed her looks. However, at the same time, I usually pick her when playing Street Fighter because I love how lightning quick she is with her attacks. It’s hard to kill what you cannot catch, and I’ve always gravitated towards speed more than anything in fighting games. Simply put, I would respect that woman’s looks, but also her ability, and it’s the ability that makes the individual.

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There’s also the point of where strength comes from, and what kind of strength one has, and how they get it. Take the new Tomb Raider, for example. Lara is scared to death at some of the things she sees. And she could’ve let the fear overcome her ability to push on. However, her strength comes because she’s faced with fear, and she’s not going to let her fear stop her. She is shown to be able to overcome her fear. That, to me, shows real strength through character and determination. Not necessarily physical, but the will to overcome and survive in the face of adversity, and if you’re willing to do what you have to do to protect yourself or those you care for, or you’re fighting for. This is what is instilled in a lot of military soldiers. It’s not the macho “I’m not scared of anything” BS that everyone thinks it is. It’s the will to push on despite you being scared out of your wits, and overcoming what bothers you (you don’t think the US Armed Forces, some of the bravest men and women on the effing PLANET, aren’t moved by what they see at places like Iraq and Afghanistan?).

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Hell, if you want a clear cut example of this type of female that doesn’t back down despite her fears, just read a Sailor Moon manga, or watch the Anime (those manga moreso…or wait for the new series to present itself this winter). And not just view it, but really watch throughout the series as Usagi/Serena develops from a scared human being to a brave warrior who shows her bravery through what she ends up doing and how she doesn’t let her fear stop her, either (I should know: I have been writing SM fanfiction for years and love to further the inner strength of the female characters even more; one of my stories makes a battle between Moon and one of her arch enemies very personal, and she has to fight her own rage and temper to not do something out of character for her…but enough shameless plugging *cough*SiverProjectSaga*cough*).

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I’ve talked about how people got it all wrong with the criticisms of Samus’ characterization in Metroid: Other M for years, but I think the desire to want individualism in female characters instead of just the opposite extreme fits the game like a glove. All the complaining about her emotions over Sector Zero and the Ridley encounter, and no talk about one particular aspect: what do you think she does after said outbursts? Do you think she just goes and runs like a coward? In the words of Dean Ambrose, NOPE! Right after she sees Anthony, a friend of hers, nearly get killed by Ridley’s hands, she stands up and fights because she has something worth fighting for, and she can overcome her fear. She regains her composure after seeing who she considered a friend sacrifice himself because she’s not going to let that man’s sacrifice be in vain. In short, the critics of Other M were all wrong because we don’t understand why people fight. Again, many of the brave men and women fighting for our freedoms are far from impenetrable, and they can get just as moved at things that you would never think they would be. In short, we saw Samus be a brave woman against countless alien monsters and pirates. Other M just showed us WHY she’s so brave: she’s got something to fight for, and she isn’t afraid to show her fear or her heart, but isn’t going to let it stop her from fighting because she has that big heart.

Isn’t that what we should ask for in a female protagonist, or a female character? Someone who has that much free will and be comfortable in their own skin. Hell, isn’t that what we’ve been asking for out of some characters in games like COD! We get it out of an iconic character, and we see that she is an identifiable character, and we instead shun that aspect because she was, GASP, an individual who was comfortable enough to tell us she’s scared and yet overcome it and find the strength to fight what she fears. So much for even getting into individualism in game characters if we can’t even follow our desires to have it.

Of course, there is going to be the idea that we must always consider the gender of the game designers, and if it’s a male making a “sexy” female character, even a well-respected game designer like Hideo Kojima (someone who’s made conservatively dressed female characters in the past) will get shunned because “that’s his fantasy”. Ignore the calls for those game designers to make different types of females in their games to cover the types of females (and males, for that matter) that we see in real life! No, can’t have that at all. We can’t even concern ourselves with perhaps that female in Crysis just didn’t feel comfortable in that armor, and decided to shed it despite the danger it might present her. Men can’t create individuals with different types of emotions, traits, personalities, and skins, apparently (hell, knowing Kojima, there could be some fourth wall breaking intentions with Quiet’s sexualization).

And isn’t that what is missing from this discussion about patriarchies and misogyny? The freedoms that people have as being individuals to be who they choose to be, and to accept and adapt to the consequences that come with such choices? Tell me in any of Anita’s videos so far has she brought up individuality, or the morals that some females have, or how some females don’t mind being sexy (or looking the part). Of course, you probably cannot. Even in the trope I said she was correct to some degree in, she overdoes her condemnation of that, and she only brought up where such over usage doesn’t count when she got called out on it by responders (all without bringing up that she was called out). When used right, a plot device like that can be used to further character development because it shows the player that a person has something that they care about or is willing to fight for, and the person who got abducted might’ve not been a slouch, either (there’s a such thing as being blindsided or overwhelmed as I’ve stated in previous blogs). Proof that she really didn’t think of those aspects out of the box in her first video: check out her Tumblr page, where some examples are actually scenarios she brings up where the trope’s usage isn’t a problem (Aerith’s capture by Shinra is listed on her Tumblr, yet she brings up a “getting her back into the action” rescue that Beyond Good And Evil did in her third DiD video which wasn’t on the Tumblr page…which is a scenario that the Aerith capture would certainly apply given what role in the story she plays, even in…well, you know).

We right now are not even concerned about that aspect of the discussion? We’re only concerned about, “not the right armor? Game maker is misogynistic!” or, “showing a bit of skin (let alone a lot)? Throw that sexist male who made her into the street!” I’m sorry, but that’s the way I’ve been seeing this entire argument going down to right now. Those that are like me that would love a more realistic debate about individualism among females in games are being drowned out by the extremism on either side, and those that just want us to agree with who I see as a clown…that I’m still, for some odd reason still finding out and wanting to discuss her videos for some reason. Maybe because I’m still hopeful that she will actually make an argument that’s based on absolute facts about a game, regardless of how valid said point is. And maybe I’m still hopeful that a serious argument for individualism in game characters finally surfaces instead of this desire to have either one extreme or the other.

I’m fine with a sexy female if it adds to the experience and immersion in a game, just as much as I like the more conservative females in games. The problem is that, until we can move on from the extremism and “agree with our sacred leader or else” mentality that we seem to have right now, we’ll never have what we should have: a discussion about females in games being truly equal. The other extreme is just as misogynistic as the one people are arguing against. When have we become so blind that we don’t see that point?

Maybe it because we’re too worried about angering the “crazy for what’s-her-face” crowd and getting banned from forums for having an individual opinion (yes, individualism can exist in feminism, too…if you let it) to let the debate about individualism happen!



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@darji said:

@video_game_king said:

@darji said:

These kind of problems becoming also more and more relevant for men and we should care for both gender not not mostly for only one.

That's not anywhere in feminism.

Yes it is. They fight for the rights mostly for women. At least most of them.

Because they've traditionally been a group that have been deprived of their rights. They're trying to level themselves up to men (for lack of better phrasing); not ignoring problems that men may experience, as well.

And that is why its outdated and many feminists actually switch to Egalitarianism

Feminism is a form of egalitarianism; it's concerned with gender equality. Hell, your quote says as much.

Most of them are not And the name feminism alone is telling you that even on Wikipedia the first sentence you see is this here:

Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defendingequal political, economic, and social rights for womenThis includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women

Yes not everyone is like that but the general majority is like that and that is why it is a problem. But enough with that because it is too of topic and has nothing really to do anymore with this topic.

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@darji said:

@video_game_king said:

@darji said:

These kind of problems becoming also more and more relevant for men and we should care for both gender not not mostly for only one.

That's not anywhere in feminism.

Yes it is. They fight for the rights mostly for women. At least most of them.

Because they've traditionally been a group that have been deprived of their rights. They're trying to level themselves up to men (for lack of better phrasing); not ignoring problems that men may experience, as well.

And that is why its outdated and many feminists actually switch to Egalitarianism

Feminism is a form of egalitarianism; it's concerned with gender equality. Hell, your quote says as much.

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Edited By Darji

@video_game_king said:

@darji said:

These kind of problems becoming also more and more relevant for men and we should care for both gender not not mostly for only one.

That's not anywhere in feminism.

Yes it is. They fight for the rights mostly for women. At least most of them. Even if you go to a site people here have linked quite often already.

Feminism is a movement which seeks respect and equality for women both under law and culturally.

Although improvements have been made, particularly in the last 50-100 years, people of different genders are not always treated equally. Our social, economic, and political systems are systematically biased against women in many different ways. Some of these systematic biases against women have the side effect of harming people of other genders, but they are still biases against women.

Feminists come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and genders. There is likewise a wide range of political thought and ways of expressing feminism. Not all feminists think alike, but if you support the idea of respect and equality for women, then you are a feminist.

This is what most people think feminism is and what most feminists are. This is what people teach you at women studies in Universities and so on. And that is why its outdated and many feminists actually switch to Egalitarianism

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Edited By GreggD

@darji said:

These kind of problems becoming also more and more relevant for men and we should care for both gender not not mostly for only one.

That's not anywhere in feminism.

A case could be made that there are a lot of feminists out there (and I know this is true, they have been around since the movement's birth) who focus solely on female issues, and dismiss male ones. There's some truth to that, though obviously not all feminists believe that way. Like any group, there are those who take the radical approach, which I'm sure is who Darji is referring to. He tends to not get his points across succinctly or with any type of grace, but I can clearly tell where he's coming from this time.

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@darji said:

These kind of problems becoming also more and more relevant for men and we should care for both gender not not mostly for only one.

That's not anywhere in feminism.

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Edited By Darji

@sammo21 said:

I was told by a few women who I asked this to on Facebook (that I personally know) what they thought and she said that men don't really have body types thrown at them and only women do. I was also told that since women get eating disorders from self esteem and body issues that men do not even though I personally know men who DO and I also linked several studies showing 1 in 4 men suffer from eating disorders related to the same problems.

Are body issues larger for women? Yeah, but modern feminism is such that if you do not agree 100% with their argument then you are "a troll" and they try to make your argument illegitimate. Anita Sarkeesian may have good intentions but since she only ever calls out trolls and never has an actual debate with anyone intelligent, well read, and respectable she only ever comes off as wanting softballs thrown her way so she looks victorious. Not to mention her web videos haven't talked about or shown things that have been beaten to death with no new, original, or increasingly thought provoking commentary from her side or opinion. That's my problem. I don't hate her, I just think her work comes across as lazy and old hat. If she wants to throw it in my face that this industry is sexist then she needs to find new material and not everything I already know.

Yeah these problems are becoming bigger and bigger for men as well. But this answer really does not surprise me. I bet she also thinks that domestic violence is mostly an women issue while in reality it is almost evenly split. Yes men are hitting harder but women are hitting more often. These are one of the reasons I think feminism is outdated. These kind of problems becoming also more and more relevant for men and we should care for both gender not not mostly for only one.

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@monkeyking1969: What anger are you talking about? What about asking you a series of questions do you feel is not 'calm and civil'?

It sounds less like you want a debate and more like you don't want people to disagree with you.

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Edited By GreggD

@brodehouse said:

@monkeyking1969: What are you _talking_ about?! There's all these videos criticizing the rhetoric and the logic and the evidence of Anita Sarkeesian's videos, but they're not proposing an alternate point of view? They're just 'kicking her in the shins'? Over what? Over her fallacious logic and hypocritical rhetoric? Criticism that she never responds to, instead engaging with the trolls who send trolling messages? 'Friendly inquisitive debate'? Why not real debate, where friendliness has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to construct an argument attained by evidence presented?

I'm just really confused. What about making a counterargument that directly contradicts and refutes her propositions is NOT engaging with her?

You seemingly cannot even start to have a civil and calm conversation with me. Such anger does you no good, and certainly does not strengthen your point of view. If you want to fight; sorry, I'm not interested.

That's not a fight, there's legitimate questions in there that you should have answers for, if you're going to take sides in the overall discussion. The fact that you took it as aggressive as you did says a lot about how far people are actually willing to go in this discourse.

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@monkeyking1969: What are you _talking_ about?! There's all these videos criticizing the rhetoric and the logic and the evidence of Anita Sarkeesian's videos, but they're not proposing an alternate point of view? They're just 'kicking her in the shins'? Over what? Over her fallacious logic and hypocritical rhetoric? Criticism that she never responds to, instead engaging with the trolls who send trolling messages? 'Friendly inquisitive debate'? Why not real debate, where friendliness has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to construct an argument attained by evidence presented?

I'm just really confused. What about making a counterargument that directly contradicts and refutes her propositions is NOT engaging with her?

You seemingly cannot even start to have a civil and calm conversation with me. Such anger does you no good, and certainly does not strengthen your point of view. If you want to fight; sorry, I'm not interested.

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Edited By hanktherapper

@sammo21 said:

I was told by a few women who I asked this to on Facebook (that I personally know) what they thought and she said that men don't really have body types thrown at them and only women do. I was also told that since women get eating disorders from self esteem and body issues that men do not even though I personally know men who DO and I also linked several studies showing 1 in 4 men suffer from eating disorders related to the same problems.

Men are starting to get it. What Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, Henry Cavill, and Chris Evans go through to look like their super hero counterpart is insane.

Are body issues larger for women? Yeah, but modern feminism is such that if you do not agree 100% with their argument then you are "a troll" and they try to make your argument illegitimate. Anita Sarkeesian may have good intentions but since she only ever calls out trolls and never has an actual debate with anyone intelligent, well read, and respectable she only ever comes off as wanting softballs thrown her way so she looks victorious. Not to mention her web videos haven't talked about or shown things that have been beaten to death with no new, original, or increasingly thought provoking commentary from her side or opinion. That's my problem. I don't hate her, I just think her work comes across as lazy and old hat. If she wants to throw it in my face that this industry is sexist then she needs to find new material and not everything I already know.

I completely agree with your assessment of Sarkeesian. The damsel in distress is a lazy story telling device, but it isn't a video game fault. It goes back thousands of years. She has always struck me as someone who goes out of here way to get offended.

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Edited By artelinarose

I don't really know if it's really related to anything that's being discussed currently(I'll read through this thread at work), but I've got a real big problem with people acting like "the patriarchy" is an organization or a physical thing, like it can be firebombed or destroyed by slander and bigotry.


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I was told by a few women who I asked this to on Facebook (that I personally know) what they thought and she said that men don't really have body types thrown at them and only women do. I was also told that since women get eating disorders from self esteem and body issues that men do not even though I personally know men who DO and I also linked several studies showing 1 in 4 men suffer from eating disorders related to the same problems.

Are body issues larger for women? Yeah, but modern feminism is such that if you do not agree 100% with their argument then you are "a troll" and they try to make your argument illegitimate. Anita Sarkeesian may have good intentions but since she only ever calls out trolls and never has an actual debate with anyone intelligent, well read, and respectable she only ever comes off as wanting softballs thrown her way so she looks victorious. Not to mention her web videos haven't talked about or shown things that have been beaten to death with no new, original, or increasingly thought provoking commentary from her side or opinion. That's my problem. I don't hate her, I just think her work comes across as lazy and old hat. If she wants to throw it in my face that this industry is sexist then she needs to find new material and not everything I already know.

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@monkeyking1969: What are you _talking_ about?! There's all these videos criticizing the rhetoric and the logic and the evidence of Anita Sarkeesian's videos, but they're not proposing an alternate point of view? They're just 'kicking her in the shins'? Over what? Over her fallacious logic and hypocritical rhetoric? Criticism that she never responds to, instead engaging with the trolls who send trolling messages? 'Friendly inquisitive debate'? Why not real debate, where friendliness has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to construct an argument attained by evidence presented?

I'm just really confused. What about making a counterargument that directly contradicts and refutes her propositions is NOT engaging with her?

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You know what? When people attack some other person's point of view instead of merely expressing their own point of view, that when I can only shake my head. If people think Anita Sarkeesian point of view is wrong, they are free to provide another point of view, but when they just attack and gripe that she even has a point of view they make themselves seem foolish.

So much attacking, and so much complaining, but for what?

That is what I don't get, how can anyone think they should be taken seriously when they use Anita Sarkeesian videos like chew toys they cannot unclench their teeth from around? If you have what you think is wisdom, than share it. But that's the problem they most people don't have wisdom to spread they just want to kick-her in the shins. We need more people engaging Sarkeesian or anyone else's arguments with thoughtful debate. Only through friendly intellectually inquisitive debate will be gain greater understanding of gaming.

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I have found that modern feminism is doing more harm to the movement than anything else. Just as you stated, feminism is nearly destroying identity and individualism as it nearly preaches that to be a woman you need to be x, y, z and you HAVE to be breaking some sort of gender role or whatever. The flip side of that coin is I never see women talk to women about how their gender is treated or represented in nerd culture/gaming culture. All we see and talk about is how males treat the subject, and women, and I feel it stays there and goes no further. Sure, the majority of female character design in games is obnoxious, boring, and over the top but if it is literally so terrible then why are there so many girls and women who are at times clamoring to be the first one to cosplay that particular character the second a picture shows up for the first time? Why do we ignore female cosplayers who love to cosplay these 3/4 naked characters but only preach to the men who (mostly) play them in the game?

When I mention stuff like this on other sites, such as io9, I am told that "women can be misogynist too" or "women can be part of the problem as well" but the problem, again, is that this is always treated as a "Holy shit, men are terrible, huh?" kind of thing. Just as with the modern union movement and the modern civil rights movement they can potentially do more harm to their cause then those trying to oppress them.

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@floope said:

Shut up. If you had any real interest in discussing this topic you wouldn't be bringing Anita into this. Discuss for the sake of discussing. You don't care about feminism or "individualism", just trying to rationalize your own crap.

Thank you for proving part of the entire point I was making correct.

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@jadegl said:

@darji: I half deleted my post and then fully deleted, but my point stands in that I think a lot of people want to see the medium expand and "grow up" for lack of a better term, and it can be disheartening to see it always go to the same places. Movies have everything from low budget shockers to documentaries, action films, rom coms, meditations on war and life, and silly gross out comedies. The budgets can be miniscule or indulgent. There are genres for every taste and type of person. Unfortunately, even though the audience for games is growing, I think the game companies are relying too much on safe bets and things that have always worked. What happens when they don't work as well anymore?

I have always viewed these discussions as a warning to the people who make games. Yes, a sexy skin will sell today, but maybe not tomorrow if more and more people get into the medium with varying tastes and ideas of what constitutes a "good character." Just like you don't have one type of movie or one type of person shown in a movie, you shouldn't have one type of game or one type of game character. Games have grown leaps and bounds from Pong, Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog, but they have a ways to go too in all respects, with women, minorities, and even things as simple as showing real, honest believable relationships between characters. But, and this is a big point I hope everyone gets at the end of the day, there is also room for all the stupid sexy stuff too that has no real explanation or purpose just besides being stupid sexy stuff.

Edit- When I say a warning, I do not mean to imply a threat. I only want to make clear that games are a growing medium with different genders, races, religions, cultures etc becoming more and more involved with them as time goes on. So sticking to what worked before will not always work and I hope that developers and game companies seek to grow beyond what works now and try to find new characters, games, mechanics, and stories to tell. The good thing is that this seems to be happening a lot now in the independent sphere of game development, I just hope big companies won't reject a good idea just because of focus testing or whatever is making them feel that certain games and genres are not viable.

Oh I totally agree we need definitely more diversity but as you say especially big developers are going more a safe route because they fear bad PR and publicity when they make some sort of errors even if they at least tried to make a compelling female protagonist like Ellie for example which was also criticized for these reasons from the usual people for example. We also should not focus on tropes because tropes will always exist and they will always be part of a character and story. Just look at this TV tropes site. There is not one character that is can not be put in there and there never will be. You can make great even stereotype characters that are like able like an Nathan Drake for example which was compelling for male and female gamers. We also should accuse games that are not story focused f things like sexism or stereotypes. In my opinion Sony does a fantastic job with these. Take the Order for example: The female character already looks and sounds absolute great. It is just sad to see that these games with a female protagonist do not sell that well normally so we will not often be able to use these kind of characters as the protagonist.

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Name: Isabeau D’Argyll

Alias: Lady Igraine

If you’ve read tales about King Arthur, you may remember his mother was named Lady Igraine. In The Order: 1886, Lady Igraine is a youthful-looking warrior named Isabeau D’Argyll. She and Galahad have a close but guarded relationship which started with her as his knight in training. Over the years the two become fond of one another, though their allegiance to The Order forbids them from ever acting on any underlying feelings. Isabeau’s character extends beyond her relationship with Galahad, however. She is strong-willed, skilled in combat, and fiercely loyal to The Order. “Isabeau is every bit the knight that Galahad is,” says Ru Weerasuriya, creative director on The Order: 1886. “There’s this kind of rivalry between them.”

Bottom line is let these stupid characters alone they have a right to exist but also encourage developer who are creating such great characters more and more and do not over analyze them so we will get more and more of these.

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Edited By jadegl

@darji: I half deleted my post and then fully deleted, but my point stands in that I think a lot of people want to see the medium expand and "grow up" for lack of a better term, and it can be disheartening to see it always go to the same places. Movies have everything from low budget shockers to documentaries, action films, rom coms, meditations on war and life, and silly gross out comedies. The budgets can be miniscule or indulgent. There are genres for every taste and type of person. Unfortunately, even though the audience for games is growing, I think the game companies are relying too much on safe bets and things that have always worked. What happens when they don't work as well anymore?

I have always viewed these discussions as a warning to the people who make games. Yes, a sexy skin will sell today, but maybe not tomorrow if more and more people get into the medium with varying tastes and ideas of what constitutes a "good character." Just like you don't have one type of movie or one type of person shown in a movie, you shouldn't have one type of game or one type of game character. Games have grown leaps and bounds from Pong, Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog, but they have a ways to go too in all respects, with women, minorities, and even things as simple as showing real, honest believable relationships between characters. But, and this is a big point I hope everyone gets at the end of the day, there is also room for all the stupid sexy stuff too that has no real explanation or purpose just besides being stupid sexy stuff.

Edit- When I say a warning, I do not mean to imply a threat. I only want to make clear that games are a growing medium with different genders, races, religions, cultures etc becoming more and more involved with them as time goes on. So sticking to what worked before will not always work and I hope that developers and game companies seek to grow beyond what works now and try to find new characters, games, mechanics, and stories to tell. The good thing is that this seems to be happening a lot now in the independent sphere of game development, I just hope big companies won't reject a good idea just because of focus testing or whatever is making them feel that certain games and genres are not viable.

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Edited By Darji

@jadegl said:

@oldirtybearon: I think it's not so much that people have a problem with the hobby being male dominated. I certainly don't. My main thought is that a lot of people who grew up with games, myself included, would like to see the hobby grow as well. It's why people talk about games as art so much. I think people expect or perhaps desire games to be more than they are at this point, like movies for instance. Movies began as simple moving images with little to no story and have now expanded and grown into a medium that has everything from low

Toally agree but for that we also need to be able to cross lines. Like the rape scene with Hotline Miami 2 for example. In movies you can win awards with such a scene in Video games it is just terrible and misogynistic.

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Edited By Darji

@itwongo said:

I think a character's appearance should have context to justify it. You can make your character look like anything you want, as long as you can make me believe they would.

And if it fits the world it is set in. Like Quiet fits perfectly into the MGS universe for example.

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Edited By Niceanims

I think a character's appearance should have context to justify it. You can make your character look like anything you want, as long as you can make me believe they would.

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@redravn said:

I think that a big factor in some of the more troubling female character designs in games is that generally the primary agent of change in most games is violence. If you are using a male character, you make kind of a caricature of a real man; one who is singular in focus, leagues more capable than his enemies and emotionally resolute. These types of characters are just power fantasies. They are the self idealized to the point of flatness and physically perfect. I mean, Nathan drake never feels traumatized for any real amount of time or complains about a bum knee after effortlessly climbing a cliff. They tried to make the new lara croft act like a normal non-psychotic human being in the beginning of tomb raider, but then promptly shelved all that mostly well done character development after they realized, "ohh yeah, this game is about murdering people". What they should have done is made lara become more and more savage and psycho as the game went until she reached complete tragic lunacy by the end. But the devs. were probably to scared by marketing to make a universally unattractive female character. This has been a problem with both male and female characters.

The problem with adapting female characters to the medium is that the history of the real world brings its own baggage into the equation. Namely, the repression of women throughout most of modern history. When you try to make the female action caricature, the result comes of different in terms of social context than if you were to make an equivalent male. Its also a problem that developers seem to feel the need to sexualize their lead characters. I think that the intention is to create an empowered well rounded woman but they mess it up pretty consistently by making her overly emotional, brutal, ridiculous and overly sexualized so that the character ends up reeking of artifice. Like I said above, I think that you can get away with the ridiculous artifice with male characters but with female characters it just rubs people the wrong way because of the real world issues that are in such a state of transition in the modern world. I think the solution to this is to write better characters period. I really like Geralt from the witcher series. He can go from being seductive to being a brute to being a wise man in a matter of minutes, like a real intelligent person would. What we need is more of the female equivalent of that.

Moreover, it seems pretty clear that game devs. are really struggling to make any kind of sexualized character both male and female, yet feel the need to sexualize most female characters regardless. I mean really, does a female soldier or assasin need to be sexualized to begin with? I would say no, nothing should be sexy about being a mass murderer. If anything, such characters should be kind of psychotic and disturbed like the dudes from spec-ops the line. Also, it seems like devs. have weird ideas about what is sexy to begin with so instead of making a strong willed beautiful woman they just dress her up like a whore. The games industry needs to move away from this 12 year old mentality. It takes a bit more nuance to create an attractive (if your over 13) male or female character. Why is it such a barrier to make an attractive, "sexy" character that is fully clothed and responds to situations like an normal human being?

For the first part: I think it is wrong to say that it is okay for men to represented like that or just say they are dumb and it is over and to react to such women totally different because of history. We are not living in these times anymore and thank god for that but constantly to be remembered of these times does not help one bit at all. Yes history is a good thing and we need to learn about it in school but every time someone seems to be offended is because of history reasons....

As for the second part we should not change these dumb games they have a right to exist. WE should add a new quality level of games which mostly will be accomplished through better writing in general with female and male protagonists. It is great to have games like a the Last of US but also we should not abolish all these really stupid games with stupid character, with character with big boobs, big muscular chests and so on. IT is like watching an 80 or 90s movie and I personally think it is great. Just do not over analyze things For example Rocky IV is one of my most favorite movies of all time because it is utterly stupid but really entertaining to watch. Yes it has probably a terrible message if you analyze this movie but just shut down your Brian and enjoy it^^

Also one more thing if you complain more and more about these characters which are already in a minority. Not many people will even try to make a good one in fear of this bad PR and publicity. Look how many really really stupid and awful white male characters we have and only just a handful of really good ones. If we went against every really awful one we would have never had these great ones. Just ignore the bad ones, say they are terrible and stupid but do not accuse them of something. Then people actually will try more and more and in all these tries we will get great characters and studios like a Naughty Dog for example which creates absolut fantastic characters no matter the race, gender or sexuality.

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@greggd said:

@floope: I don't know, maybe something other than angst and gross assumptions?

Much like this blog. oh and this.

@rockyraccoon37 said:
@darkpower said:

3. Not saying cat calls can't be offensive. Saying that they are not by definition, and some women want the attention. Simple as that.


You haven't met some of the women I have, then. Trust me, those that welcome them are out there.

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@floope: I don't know, maybe something other than angst and gross assumptions?

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@floope said:

@greggd said:

@floope said:

Shut up. If you had any real interest in discussing this topic you wouldn't be bringing Anita into this. Discuss for the sake of discussing. You don't care about feminism or "individualism", just trying to rationalize your own crap.

Great contribution, really furthering the discussion here.

Right, like there's something groundbreaking going on here.

Something tells me you didn't actually read the blog.

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@greggd said:

@floope said:

Shut up. If you had any real interest in discussing this topic you wouldn't be bringing Anita into this. Discuss for the sake of discussing. You don't care about feminism or "individualism", just trying to rationalize your own crap.

Great contribution, really furthering the discussion here.

Right, like there's something groundbreaking going on here.

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This isn't related to the topic, or maybe it is in a tangential sense. Anyway, what I'm wondering is why a hobby or pastime being skewed toward one gender or the other somehow a bad thing? So guys tend to play more video games, why is this a bad thing? Why do some people out there see this as a moral wrong that must be corrected? The women who do play games do so because they enjoy the medium. It didn't cater to them, they just appreciate what is on offer.

I'm not saying there isn't sexist bullshit or misogyny in the gaming subculture, what I am wondering though is why these feminist types think a male dominated hobby is such a terrible thing.

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Edited By RedRavN

I think that a big factor in some of the more troubling female character designs in games is that generally the primary agent of change in most games is violence. If you are using a male character, you make kind of a caricature of a real man; one who is singular in focus, leagues more capable than his enemies and emotionally resolute. These types of characters are just power fantasies. They are the self idealized to the point of flatness and physically perfect. I mean, Nathan drake never feels traumatized for any real amount of time or complains about a bum knee after effortlessly climbing a cliff. They tried to make the new lara croft act like a normal non-psychotic human being in the beginning of tomb raider, but then promptly shelved all that mostly well done character development after they realized, "ohh yeah, this game is about murdering people". What they should have done is made lara become more and more savage and psycho as the game went until she reached complete tragic lunacy by the end. But the devs. were probably to scared by marketing to make a universally unattractive female character. This has been a problem with both male and female characters.

The problem with adapting female characters to the medium is that the history of the real world brings its own baggage into the equation. Namely, the repression of women throughout most of modern history. When you try to make the female action caricature, the result comes of different in terms of social context than if you were to make an equivalent male. Its also a problem that developers seem to feel the need to sexualize their lead characters. I think that the intention is to create an empowered well rounded woman but they mess it up pretty consistently by making her overly emotional, brutal, ridiculous and overly sexualized so that the character ends up reeking of artifice. Like I said above, I think that you can get away with the ridiculous artifice with male characters but with female characters it just rubs people the wrong way because of the real world issues that are in such a state of transition in the modern world. I think the solution to this is to write better characters period. I really like Geralt from the witcher series. He can go from being seductive to being a brute to being a wise man in a matter of minutes, like a real intelligent person would. What we need is more of the female equivalent of that.

Moreover, it seems pretty clear that game devs. are really struggling to make any kind of sexualized character both male and female, yet feel the need to sexualize most female characters regardless. I mean really, does a female soldier or assasin need to be sexualized to begin with? I would say no, nothing should be sexy about being a mass murderer. If anything, such characters should be kind of psychotic and disturbed like the dudes from spec-ops the line. Also, it seems like devs. have weird ideas about what is sexy to begin with so instead of making a strong willed beautiful woman they just dress her up like a whore. The games industry needs to move away from this 12 year old mentality. It takes a bit more nuance to create an attractive (if your over 13) male or female character. Why is it such a barrier to make an attractive, "sexy" character that is fully clothed and responds to situations like an normal human being?

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Edited By GreggD

@floope said:

Shut up. If you had any real interest in discussing this topic you wouldn't be bringing Anita into this. Discuss for the sake of discussing. You don't care about feminism or "individualism", just trying to rationalize your own crap.

Great contribution, really furthering the discussion here.

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Shut up. If you had any real interest in discussing this topic you wouldn't be bringing Anita into this. Discuss for the sake of discussing. You don't care about feminism or "individualism", just trying to rationalize your own crap.

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Edited By EXTomar

@hailinel: I am only objecting to the OP's suggest that Other M is a great example of "individualism" because of the flaws it makes using this as a foundation for an argument hard to sustain. I believe there is something to the topic but they really shouldn't have used this game in citation.

Also, there is a warning about the inherent weakness in creating arguments out of fictional stories. Using Harry Potter again: It is well and good to argue that racism/classism is bad and that what JK Rowling was pointing out in the "Harry Potter" was why it was bad but actually using Harry Potter and The Philosopher Stone in an argument needs to be done carefully and probably should be avoided. Fictional stories can function as "morality plays" which are demonstrations of ethics and morality but the "morality play" is not evidence or proof of anything.

Bringing it back to video games, Quiet is a fictional character created by the mind of Kojima. People are free to argue whether or not Quiet is good or bad or whatever but they should avoid suggesting stuff like this:

Did we ever stop to think that it’s just within a character’s personality to want to let their hair down and just be themselves, even if that means not wanting to wear a lot of clothes.

This is a really poor argument to make. Quiet is wearing the clothes she wears for for those scenes in a game because that is how people who built the game wanted her to look. I am not saying that there aren't real women who want and would chose to dress that way but suggesting that Quiet has a say in her wardrobe is very silly.

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I think one of the best things a person can do when writing something that they want other people to read and agree with is be open and understanding and keep the sarcasm and insults to a minimum. For me, I always want people to get my points and not feel that I am demeaning their own opinions in the process. I think I have had some good conversations here, and some not so good, but it isn’t for lack of trying to understand or discuss a touchy subject. I also have changed a lot in how I write over the years here and, more importantly, how I read what is written. I feel like I have become better at understanding people that I disagree with, and I hope that comes across in the threads.

Why is it touchy to me personally? Well, as a female and someone who has played games for most of her life (about 28 years, I’m turning 31 this Sunday, woo hoo) I find that I enjoy expressing myself when it comes to subjects concerning women in games, their portrayals, how they are treated by the community at large, and how companies market to both men and women. This may seem like innocuous stuff, but to me it’s important enough to talk about. I certainly don’t agree with everything that a person may say when it comes to this subject, but I do understand more often then not on an emotional level why the talk is happening. People who play games and have en emotional investment in them will want to talk about them and it’s just common sense that opinions will vary wildly with each individual.

Now, I can’t comment on everything said so far or I will be here all day and night and I would much rather be playing Borderlands 2 with my husband or trying Eldritch for the first time. However, I will try to touch on a few things here and there. First, Quiet’s outfit is ridiculous. The only reason why I don’t particularly care about her outfit being so outlandish is because she is in a Kojima game. Kojima tends to dress the inhabitants of his universe in ways that are absolutely unrealistic and preposterous. And that’s totally okay. However, I can see why people are getting annoyed with the outlandishness, especially where this character is concerned. When I first saw it, I admit I rolled my eyes and laughed at how silly it seemed. I am sure Kojima has an elaborate justification for the outfit that is totally explained in the game. It’s probably going to be pretty interesting too, or totally batshit insane. The important thing, even with all of those caveats, is that doesn’t absolve the costume design from critique. The problem is that so many women in games are dressed this way, not that one woman in one game is dressed this way. I just recently watched the Quick Look of Girl Fight. Vinny made a joke about Warchild getting a shirt that fits as her reward for completing the game. This is a joke that you can easily make about a lot of games. It’s not that one person is ridiculously dressed, it’s that it is so common. It’s become a tired trope. Sure, it’s cool to see a sexy lady in a sexy outfit, I totally understand it and some designs are really interesting and sexy, like Bayonetta or Mai Shiranui. But it would also be nice to see more realistic portrayals too. The good thing is that games are getting better about this. There is still a ways to go for some amount of parity, though.

Second, I don’t know why you believe that anyone who agrees that there are issues in games concerning women is somehow also in lockstep with each other and seeking to quiet discussion. I myself find that I disagree with purported feminist critiques much more than I agree with them. But, and this is a big point, I also agree that there are issues that need time and discussion. I could flip that point to say that people who don’t see any problems are trying to cut off discussion by yelling “oh not this shit again” whenever a thread pops up, whether the original post is valid or not. You can’t use a blanket statement to say that one side is doing something because there are many people with varying levels of involvement and opinions trying to express themselves. I myself have seen much more of the latter, the immediate call to ignore, demean and dismiss an issue that someone is calling attention to, whether it’s the artwork of a particular game or a person being harassed at a convention. While these issues run the gamut from not serious to perhaps life altering, the call to ignore or dismiss the issue as business as usual or complaining or attention whoring is almost immediate and pervasive. That stinks. So I understand your desire to see more acceptance of views, but that street needs to go both ways.

Third, interpretations of games are not facts. Your interpretation of the events of Metroid: Other M or Tomb Raider are just that, interpretations gleaned from hours of gameplay. I could play the same game and, as a female, could interpret it slightly differently. It would also depend on the breadth of knowledge of the character itself. I think most people would not have issues with Other M if the game existed in a vacuum and Samus didn’t already have many games worth of character development behind her. Most complaints I see of the game don’t fall into a reading of it based of feminist critique alone, they look to her in other games and see the discrepancies between an earlier version and a newer version. That isn’t a bad thing. If I played all the Halo games and then got to Halo 5 and Master Chief all of a sudden forgets how to use a gun or becomes an indecisive milquetoast instead of the badass super soldier I have learned to play in the past 4 games, I would certainly critique that character’s representation in the new game.

I will close by saying that I think you are doing a good job trying to articulate a difficult point. I would say that I don’t agree with all of your points, but I agree with you in some, I just wish that you had not been so judgmental in your original posting. I say that as someone who desires to reach understanding with people, and unfortunately your original attacks make it hard to take your better points seriously. I will admit that I almost gave up on your post a few paragraphs in, and I think that would be a shame if other people couldn’t power through to the meat of what you are saying. Imagine you are writing to who you disagree with, not to an audience that may already agree with you. I know that you may actually feel Anita is a clown, and I certainly don’t view her as any sort of figurehead to emulate, but it would serve you much better to phrase it a bit differently. Like I said, I almost gave up on your post early, you probably don’t want people to do that if you put so much time into your writing.

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@bluefish: There's no feminist debate? What would you call the so-called Feminist Sex Wars, where feminists argued against feminists whether sexual liberation was demeaning or, well, liberation. It's still going on now. If that's not a debate I don't know what is.

When you're talking about feminism, why bring up specifically the opinions of women? There are women who are anti-feminist, there are men who are feminist. Feminism does not equal women.

Also your idea that my mother is more intelligent, rational and reasoned than I am purely because she's a woman and I'm a man... Well, good luck with that. Maybe buckle up first.

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Well written.

I am not surprised that you have been banned for expressing your opinion. Its a sign of poor ability to defend yourself against objective criticism. Its a good rule of thumb to consider both viewpoints before forming your own opinion. Sadly many people just absorb the thoughts that surround them and take it as the truth.

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@zalrus9 said:

... why don't we just focus on making good characters and get rid of dumb focus testing? Why don't people be more civil when talking about this? Why do we have to devolve into breaking down into semantic arguments and inflammatory/ overly snarky dialogue when we talk about these things?

oh wait. Internet. But seriously, we do need to face the facts that women are underrepresented in video games. I like sexy females as much as the next guy, but I want some more female Morgan Freemans to go along with my female Kratoses.

pleaase no Morgan Freemans... He had no character, personality or other characteristics that makes him a human being. And yeah I would like to have more female leads like Ellie for example^^

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Every time a thread like this pops up, posting in it is akin to sticking your hands in a blender in order to stop the blade from spinning. It's painful to experience, doesn't accomplish very much, and discouraging enough to make you never want to try again. I'm not trying to squash reasonable discussion as I feel it is a topic worth expounding on, but until people learn the difference between subjectivity and objectivity (and which applies to what), it's totally futile.

I'm missing too many metaphorical fingers to try again so soon.

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Edited By Zalrus9

... why don't we just focus on making good characters and get rid of dumb focus testing? Why don't people be more civil when talking about this? Why do we have to devolve into breaking down into semantic arguments and inflammatory/ overly snarky dialogue when we talk about these things?

oh wait. Internet. But seriously, we do need to face the facts that women are underrepresented in video games. I like sexy females as much as the next guy, but I want some more female Morgan Freemans to go along with my female Kratoses.

Edit: I meant Gordon Freeman, not Morgan Freeman. Although if there were more of those, that would be okay as well!

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Edited By Hailinel

@extomar said:

@darkpower said:

@extomar said:

The problem with Other M isn't that Samus seems really really really driven to follow the every whim and command, no mater how dangerous or nonsense it is, of some guy who was never properly introduced to the player. That isn't individualism or heroic. Having Samus freak out over seeing Ridley and Samus' childish monologues that sound more like a kid posting on FB is icing on the "this is stupid" cake.

Took a bit for someone to bring Other M up. Thought it would be sooner than that. Thing of it is that we were introduced to Adam in Metroid Fusion via the AI and how she describes him in that game, and how she defends some of the actions. And until you are in that sort of situation with that sort of circumstances, you cannot validly tell me how one person is supposed to react to any given situation within a set type of circumstances. And plus, look what she does to him right after the episode? She utterly kicks his ass! Why, and how, do you think she gathers herself to beat him? Exactly!

And I didn't have any problem with the dialogue in the game. It was fine for what it was, to be honest. No one is ever going to change my mind that Jessica Martin did good in the role (especially after seeing the unrelated short film she made shortly after the game came out).

Metroid Other M is a fictional story. This entire argument makes about as much sense as saying say I can't criticize what JK Rowling was doing with Harry Potter until I get accepted into a magic school as an outsider. I'm pretty sure I will not be a space pirate killing bounty hunter with a convoluted mess of a background but I am pretty sure I can make judgements about the quality on Other M by simply using common sense.

Let me repeat this: This has nothing to do with gender or background or whatever. There is nothing noble or heroic about a bunch of the nonsense in this action game. The plot had parts that could have been interesting but they squandered it. The dialog was bizarre. I pulled up a youtube video with the cut scenes and pulled out choice nuggets:

"It was obvious that there was some pervasive danger through the facility."

"Out of nowhere, I suddenly found myself concerned with his opinion again."

"Confession time. Because I was so young when I lost both of my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure."

Part of this can be due to translation but there is something like 2 hours of CG movies in the game and a lot of it is crap like this.

The flaws in Other M's story isn't the story or Samus's characterization. The writing does a poor job of getting it across, but Samus's portrayal isn't a sexist one.

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Edited By EXTomar

@darkpower said:

@extomar said:

The problem with Other M isn't that Samus seems really really really driven to follow the every whim and command, no mater how dangerous or nonsense it is, of some guy who was never properly introduced to the player. That isn't individualism or heroic. Having Samus freak out over seeing Ridley and Samus' childish monologues that sound more like a kid posting on FB is icing on the "this is stupid" cake.

Took a bit for someone to bring Other M up. Thought it would be sooner than that. Thing of it is that we were introduced to Adam in Metroid Fusion via the AI and how she describes him in that game, and how she defends some of the actions. And until you are in that sort of situation with that sort of circumstances, you cannot validly tell me how one person is supposed to react to any given situation within a set type of circumstances. And plus, look what she does to him right after the episode? She utterly kicks his ass! Why, and how, do you think she gathers herself to beat him? Exactly!

And I didn't have any problem with the dialogue in the game. It was fine for what it was, to be honest. No one is ever going to change my mind that Jessica Martin did good in the role (especially after seeing the unrelated short film she made shortly after the game came out).

Metroid Other M is a fictional story. This entire argument makes about as much sense as saying say I can't criticize what JK Rowling was doing with Harry Potter until I get accepted into a magic school as an outsider. I'm pretty sure I will not be a space pirate killing bounty hunter with a convoluted mess of a background but I am pretty sure I can make judgements about the quality on Other M by simply using common sense.

Let me repeat this: This has nothing to do with gender or background or whatever. There is nothing noble or heroic about a bunch of the nonsense in this action game. The plot had parts that could have been interesting but they squandered it. The dialog was bizarre. I pulled up a youtube video with the cut scenes and pulled out choice nuggets:

"It was obvious that there was some pervasive danger through the facility."

"Out of nowhere, I suddenly found myself concerned with his opinion again."

"Confession time. Because I was so young when I lost both of my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure."

Part of this can be due to translation but there is something like 2 hours of CG movies in the game and a lot of it is crap like this.

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Edited By darkpower

@bluefish said:

@darkpower: There is no 'feminist debate.' To suggest the broad, long term representation of women in games is NOT patronizing, demeaning and often fetishistic is clearly wrong to ANYONE outside of your little bubble.

Lets put it this way. With us, guys, lovers of games: this thread is a discussion. If it was all of our mothers here rather than us: you would be laughed out of the room within your first paragraph.

There is no debate :

de·bate (d



)·bat·ed, de·bat·ing, de·bates



1. To consider something; deliberate.2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument. See Synonyms at discuss.4. Obsolete To fight or quarrel.

Yeah, a formal DISCUSSION would count as a debate.

@extomar said:

The problem with Other M isn't that Samus seems really really really driven to follow the every whim and command, no mater how dangerous or nonsense it is, of some guy who was never properly introduced to the player. That isn't individualism or heroic. Having Samus freak out over seeing Ridley and Samus' childish monologues that sound more like a kid posting on FB is icing on the "this is stupid" cake.

Took a bit for someone to bring Other M up. Thought it would be sooner than that. Thing of it is that we were introduced to Adam in Metroid Fusion via the AI and how she describes him in that game, and how she defends some of the actions. And until you are in that sort of situation with that sort of circumstances, you cannot validly tell me how one person is supposed to react to any given situation within a set type of circumstances. And plus, look what she does to him right after the episode? She utterly kicks his ass! Why, and how, do you think she gathers herself to beat him? Exactly!

And I didn't have any problem with the dialogue in the game. It was fine for what it was, to be honest. No one is ever going to change my mind that Jessica Martin did good in the role (especially after seeing the unrelated short film she made shortly after the game came out).

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@darkpower: There is no 'feminist debate.' To suggest the broad, long term representation of women in games is NOT patronizing, demeaning and often fetishistic is clearly wrong to ANYONE outside of your little bubble.

Lets put it this way. With us, guys, lovers of games: this thread is a discussion. If it was all of our mothers here rather than us: you would be laughed out of the room within your first paragraph.

There is no debate

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Edited By mrfluke

@believer258 said:

@darkpower said:

@ravenlight said:

Does... does anyone in this thread need a hug? Because I'm here if anyone needs one.

If you're offering....

Group hug!

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Edited By EXTomar

The problem with Other M isn't that Samus seems really really really driven to follow the every whim and command, no mater how dangerous or nonsense it is, of some guy who was never properly introduced to the player. That isn't individualism or heroic. Having Samus freak out over seeing Ridley and Samus' childish monologues that sound more like a kid posting on FB is icing on the "this is stupid" cake.

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@nuclear_chiron said:

You beat the straw man you created. Congratulations.

This is the sum total of all that needs to be said about any rant against feminism.

Groups that "specialize in only one direction like feminists to are not needed anywhere. Don't stand only for women rights stands for rights of everyone.

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@chrissedoff: It's not an anti-feminist rant, though. Just an argument against one particular mindset.