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Oh, the Geometry! Plus: The Search is over and 1 week review!

Good afternoooooooooooooooooooooon!

It's been a lil' over a week since the Big Move, and things couldn't be better. I'm (finally) completely settled: no more building stuff, no more unpacking from boxes. Nothing. I can sit back and enjoy. Being 30 minutes from work is awesome; I can take my time without having to worry about missing a bus or have the metro stall for an hour. It's wonderful! Plus, I'm getting some exercise (not that I wasn't doing that when I was living at home, but I do enjoying walking alot). And most of all: it's nice and quiet. My buddies go out whenever they want, so I'm left to my own devices. I would go out, but it looks like I won't be doing much of that for the time being...

... mainly because of my new toy:

Yeah, the picture's crooked. So sue me!
Yeah, the picture's crooked. So sue me!
I went with the Samsung 32" 1080p HDTV. After seeing it in action at FutureShop and comparing it to my other choice, there was no way I could pass it up. Plus, you can't beat the price of $899.99. 'Tis quite awesome. So much in fact that I decided to pick up a few other choice items: Bose CineMate Home Theatre System (it's amazing how much sound can blast through 2 tiny speakers and a subwoofer!), a TV stand which is now home for my consoles (the neat part is that there's DVD/CD racks hidden behind those 2 pillars, so my PS2 and 360 games are happily tucked away), and a Wall Mount for the TV, which the rep threw in for free since I bought all that other stuff. Isn't life grand!? The technicians came on Friday to set everything up for me, adn they were super nice... and both gamers (not that that has anything to do with anything, but fun facts are always nice).

So, I'm now living in the future. And it looks awesome. Really, I can actually READ the bloody text in Puzzle Quest now! That's HUGE, since before I was playing everything on my lil' but loyal 13" CRT (which my dad has happily adopted and is using for his own nefarious purposes). I hooked up the 360 with the HDMI cable, while my PS2, SNES and NES are all hooked up to a System Changer via AV cables. If I were a more clever girl, I would've gone on the hunt for Component cables for my PS2 and use those instead. I could probably find some, but it'll be a lil' tricky to plug in back there: the Mount isn't of the swivel kind and although there's space back there, I don't think it'll be enough to wiggle in wires. I'll need one of the "men" in the house to help me out. *sigh*

So now that everything's set, I can go back to playing console games. First place to go: Xbox Live. Although I can't go back to play DDR and get my missing Achievements  (well, maybe I could, but I would have to play songs that don't require jumping, or turn the jump arrows off altogether), I can finish up the other games with full clarity...

That was until I saw my buddy Kazona with a new game: Geometry Wars 2! O_o' Having enjoyed the first one immensely, I felt compelled to download it adn give it a try, which led to
Oh, the Geometry!
Oh, the Geometry!
me purchasing it after playing one round of Deadline Mode. Good God, it is awesomeness. I played 'til 1:30 in the morning (and that's a big deal, since I rarely, if ever, do that nowadays), and unlocked 8 Achievements. An hour ago, I unlocked the Rebound Achievement in Deadline mode, much to my surprise, too: jumped from 25 enemies killed to 75 enemies in less than 10 seconds... which was just about all the time I had left! So, gotta work on thoes last 3.  Can anyone give me a clue as to what the "Smile" Achievement is? I suspect it has something to do with Sequence Mode (doing something at the Sequences that correspond with the numbers listed in the Achievement, perhaps?) Bah.

I'm also shocked with how high my scores are. I would like to think that it's because I actually have skills, but deep down I know that's not the case. With all those points mulitplyers floating around, it makes it easy to rack up the points. So, I'll change that thought to: I'm surprised that I actually survived long enough to accumulate that many points. Yeah, that's better.

Awwww... cute lil' dino...
Awwww... cute lil' dino...
I also tried Braid. I'm liking it; it's neat how they just melded Super Mario Bros. platforming to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time rewind action. I want that adorable stuffed dinosaur that appears at the castle. Seriously, that's so adorabible!  I'll probably buy the game once I stock up on Microsoft Points.

Now that things are more normal her at home, I'll be getting quite busy. I'm thinking of writing game reviews adn posting them up for Da Bomb. Since the young 'uns got the new games covered, I think I'll review some of the older games (go with what you know, right?) Hopefully, I'll get some done in the next few weeks or so.

To finish things up, here are some more shots of my room, as promised:
Snes and NES games. PSP and DS are in the Brown bag; PC Games in the box.
Snes and NES games. PSP and DS are in the Brown bag; PC Games in the box.

I would buy a tiny bookshelf for my SNES and NES games, but this box does the trick in a
pinch. Also, Chococat and Vivi are just chillin' out next to the 360 Dance mat that I might not use for a while.

As for the PC games... I've never played them (not even once!). Maybe now I'll find the time to do so.

'Tis a desk. Please Bless the Mess.
'Tis a desk. Please Bless the Mess.
This be a desk. Surprise! It took me two days to put this thing together. TWO DAYS! My right thumb was blistered and calloused after using the screwdriver and hammer all that time (I can still see the lil' mark). It does the job quite nicely, I must say. See that long door on the bottom left of teh desk? My PC Tower should go in that space, but it doesn't fit. By that I mean, it goes into the compartment just fine, but the door can't close because the front of the tower is curved outward. So it has to stay out I'm afraid. I supposed that's a good thing, since I don't think it'll get much ventilation in there (yeah my tower has two large fans, but still, I'm afraid of The Beast overheating).

Gotta sleep somewhere, eh?
Gotta sleep somewhere, eh?
And finally, here's my be my sofa-bed. I love this thing. I think it's the best invention in the history of ever. Push the top forward and there you go, instant bed. It's the right size for my room, too: not too big and not too small (although my feet dangle a little if I'm stretched out).

So now that my fingers are about to fall off, I think I should stop. Sorry for the extra-long entry, kids :)

Toodles! XD


Hooray for new homes! Plus: the Hunt for HDTV continues...


Moving day went well. Very well, in fact. My thumb is very, very sore; as I spent a good chunk of Wednesday night and all Thursday putting together my new corner desk. Lots of screwdriver and hammer use :s  Aside from one of the drawers going in slightly crooked, it's pretty neat (I'll edit this blog later and put some pics up... once I find my damn camera :P)

 There's still some boxes in my room, though. They have my consoles (nothing broke, thank God). I left my tv at home so that my dad can use it. I've been looking at Future Shop's website, and I'm tempted to go out and get the Samsung 32" 1080p HDTV. I wanted to get the Sharp Aquos 32" 1080p HDTV, but that's a bit too pricey for me at the moment (plus the Samsunbg one is on sale right now, so.... yeah). Need some speakers and a wall mount too. Oy!

To top things off, my sofa bed's coming on Monday, so I'll have to re-arrange my room again. The rooms for my two roommates are already set up, so they've been relaxing adn going places. Me, I'm playing catch-up on all the things I've missed the last couple of days. Blarg.

Anyhoo, hope y'all are doing OK. Hopefully I'll have my new TV this week: the adorableness of Chocobo Tales can only sustain me for so long! Must... have... blood (with sprinkles). XD



Moving Day is nigh... zoinks!

Welly, well, well... it's 11:30pm right now and I'm still up. It's a miracle! I've been so pooped as of late; I'm usually out like a light by now.

In 4 days, I'll be moving out to my new (and first) apartment. Technically speaking, I would be moving in August 1st, but my roomate's dad is coming down to vist next week adn he wants to help us move. So we all agreed that we'll start to move our stuff in on Wednesday. I don't have much left: aside from clothes and basic toiletries, I just have my 360 and Super NES to pack away 9PS2 and NES are already stored carefully away). Oh, and my PC too. And my room right now looks like a tornado went through it. Seriously, it's amazing how much crap I stored away over the years! O_o'  Obviously I can't bring everything, so only my most prized possessions are comin' with me. The rest can stay behind.

Amidst the chaos I still find time to get my Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 groove on. I figured I won't be able to play as much (if at all) in the future, as I wouldn't want to disturb the neighbours :P I doubt I'll be able to get all the Achievement Points for it though. Bah.

Other than that and playing a whole lot of other games, all's quiet in my neck of the woods. I'm yawning way too much right now, so I think this'll be all for now. Toodles!