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Things I really should play in 2011

So sometimes if I don't put it on a list I'm going to forget about it, so here's the list of games that I really should play in 2011 before it's too late or I forget about it.

List items

  • After all I've heard about the second game, I'd like to have some base experience in the series, which means that this is going to have to end up on my shelf eventually.

  • Of course I wouldn't be going through the first game if the second one wasn't on the list as well.

  • Great that this is finally coming to the PS3. I'd like again to get some experience before we get Mass Effect 3 later this year.

  • I'm holding off on this until Uncharted 3 comes close to release in November, but I liked the first game and from all I've heard, the second is supposed to be better in every way.

  • Mike Patton does the voice work? Sold. If there's anyone who should be doing creepy evil stuff, it's the person who sings for Faith No More. Don't believe me, listen to "Caffeine" off of Angel Dust.

  • Yes, I'm waiting for the US release of the game so I can make sure that Atlus USA knows how much I appreciate them localizing it and bringing it here. There's no announcement of it's US release yet? Silly you, it's coming soon.

  • Speaking of things that Atlus needs to localize and bring over, there's this game that needs a US release eventually. I hoped a PSP version was going to be made, but this was a long shot in my eyes that I'm glad came true.

  • I keep meaning to pick this up. I keep seeing this cheap used. I still haven't and should rectify that sometime this year.