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Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
263490 Backdraft Game 06/27/23 03:07AM 18 approved
263211 Backdraft Game Added new game information. 06/22/23 08:27AM 18 9 approved, 2 denied
261700 New Game Game Backdraft is a new upcoming deck-building game developed by a newly formed company, Legacy Labs (, Founder from Brawlhalla. I'm the Community Manager for this game. I want to add the game to Giant Bomb because we will be kick starting our play testing soon via Steam, and we are going to allow the testers to stream the game and create content early on. For more context about the game, we took inspiration from Slay the Spire. At the moment, we currently have a LinkedIn, Twitter, and our official website - very very soon, Steam. Thank you for adding our indie game to Giant Bomb!! 06/06/23 09:33AM 10 approved