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And The Oscar Goes To...

I know this isn't a video game related blog but, right now, I really do not care.  I watched about 90 minutes of The Dark Knight last night and will watch the remainder of it tonight.  Yeah, I'm a filthy fucking pirate... like you guys have never done this before in your lives.  Don't worry, I will go see the movie in theaters this Saturday, but the hype was just too strong for me to be holding out any longer.

I'll give my impressions on this marvelous movie tomorrow.  As for today, I just wanted to say that Heath Ledger's acting performance as The Joker (duh!) is not only mind-blowing, it is also mind-numbing.  A flawlessly well-executed delight, which gave me chills and left me wanting more.  He gives new meaning to the word "lunatic" and, let's just say that I'll never look at a pencil the same way again.  While Jack Nicholson's Joker was awesome, Heath's is majestic.  It's a damn shame he left us so soon.  He had such a bright future ahead of him.

Nonetheless, if you haven't seen this movie yet, I strongly suggest you do, if not only for Heath Ledger's performance in it.  If he doesn't win an Oscar for his performance, I'll be in shock.