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Vacation Update

I apologize for the lack of blogs, either written or in video form, on my part.  I've been basking in the glory of this week's vacation, doing very little except sleeping, eating, watching movies and, of course, gaming.

Hence, it's time I gave you fine people a small update.

I can't bring myself to finish Killzone 2.  The game is, in Mr. Art Green's words, soulless.  The story and characters couldn't be more lackluster and shallow, the combat dwindles down to take cover, shoot, take cover, shoot, run to next checkpoint,rinse , lather, repeat.  Some people say I shouldn't be expecting too much from a shooter.  Why so?  Gears 2 had some great characters, Halo 3 had a good story and F.E.A.R. 2 had intense and gratifying firefights.  Last time I checked, all of those are shooters and they're also sequels.  Good thing KZ 2's online is superb and doesn't make me feel like I wasted my money.  I still do not understand how or why this game got such high scores and great reviews.

Aside from KZ 2, I've also been playing my fair share of NHL 09 and Rock Band 2.  I've also been thinking of picking up Resident Evil 5, after hearing most of my friends praise it.  Thing is, I don't really want to play the game by myself and, since the game was conceived with co-op in mind, that's the way I'd like to play it.  So, if any of you guys are ready to team up with a RE noob like myself. let me know.  Oh, and Legends of WrestleMania comes out in less than 2 weeks.  Sweet.

Movie wise, I watched W., Oliver Stone's portrayal of George W. Bush's political career.  I usually enjoy Stone's work, but this movie is utter garbage.  His presentation of an innocent George Bush, a man who has no idea of what is going on around him, is pathetic.  It's almost as if he's trying to extract pity from the audience for this imbecile.  The only bright side to this "movie" is Josh Brolin's performance.  Aside from that, this pity fest for America's worst president is just too painful to watch.

That's about it for now.  Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Thanks for reading.