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Selling @BRIANMBENDIS complete Daredevil run. Ultimate Collection Vol 1-3.

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The year games exploded.

I always like when a tent-pole game is released and there are those who are incredibly quick to bash it.
God of War 3 wascame out this week to near perfect reviews; GB's own Ryan Davis gave it a great score of 4/5 citing only familiarity as its main flaw. But there are those who would have you believe that, regardless of the fine-tuned mechanics or incredible scope, that GoW and other great releases like it, are not only unimportant, but simply disregard them. "Oh right then, so its God Of War", I read on the forums.
Well, yes, it is... but its God of War 2010 style!
Opinions are exactly that, and everyone is entitled to one, but consider: Over the last six months or so, roughly since Arkham Asylum's release, there have been a number of games which have kickstarted an evolution in game design. Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain (and AA as mentioned) and many more have all pushed boundaries. Its likely that storytelling and fundamental gameplay mechanics will continue to push what we expect from the medium over the course of the next few years. Likewise, GoW3 creates an unparalleled experience; what it does well, it does incredibly so.

Appreciate the medium: you're witnessing a boom era. Games are exploding thanks to adventurous developers and risk-taking publishers. Revel in it and turn your vitriol to something that warrants it.......
Like Leisure Suit Larry.