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Xbox Live Sucks

I know everyone already knew this, but it goes deeper than everyone in adversarial multiplayer modes acting like jerks. No, I'm talking about cooperative game modes. You see whenever I join or start a multiplayer game in Borderlands, I'm guaranteed to run into people who do not use their mics. This wouldn't be so bad, if you weren't able to teleport around via the car. It really sucks when you're the host, because then you feel like the only guiding force behind this otherwise uncoordinated team. Which kind of means you go nowhere. Obviously, this could be alliviated by me getting some friends who actually play the game or not care so much. But then, why can't I make friends while playing Borderlands?
This extends far beyond Borderlands alone, public Horde rarely has anyone talking. I jumped into a game of Crackdown, and the other guy wasn't using his mic. I jumped into a game of Castle Crashers, and one kid was singing into his mic. You know that's one of many peoples pet peeves with "all the xbox live gamers" [1], is that they use it to annoy, harass, mock, cajole, taunt, boast, sing, yell, play music from a bad radio, filter their voice through auto-tune (well, that one can be funny if its not overdone), and generally abuse everyone who's name is not [insert mic-abusing twat's name here]. If they're not doing that, they're using it to talk to their friends or they're not using it at all.
So what I propose to you, O mighty, is that you start using your headset more. No, I'm not suggesting you strike up a conversation with an underage dude on Modern Warfare 2 , quite the opposite. I only wish that players would work as a team, and I'm sure there are true teams out there. However, they are so hard to find, that I am discouraged to even look for anyone on xbox live in a co-op game who will talk to me to discuss what he/she wants to do. You know what this whole blog is stupid. I just need to find some more people on xbox live to play with me. Sorry about that. Not writing about games, but writing about people. Nothing against you guys. Back to your regularly scheduled programming, I suppose.....*sigh*
[1]: Soulja Boy Tell 'Em in his xbox vid thing