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Average score of 5 user reviews

A classic case of 'OMG TIME MONSTER!' 0

The year is 2003, and a left-for-dead-in-Egypt Lara Croft is framed for murder. As she investigates events spiral ever-more out of control leading her to dilapidated clubs, suspiciously empty Perisian backstreets, and the odd warehouse. Yeah, hardly what you’d expect from a Tomb Raider synopsis is it? Depending on which side of the fence you fall, Angel of Darkness may not get much better for you: Angel of Darkness is a game dogged with problems – bug-ridden and somewhat aloof in its storytelli...

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The Good, The Bad, and The Bottom Line 0

The Bad Stuff - The scoreboard. Admittedly I managed to make it onto it yesterday, but that was probably because the song had only been relseased a day or two before. If you have Xbox Live, you'll get used to seeing the same few names at the top of the rankings and wondering how the flip they managed to get THAT many points. If they're not cheating they're singing gods. - The game programmers sometimes forget you have to breathe to live, and that casual singers have not worked on breathing techn...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A no-brainer, but enjoyable 0

The premise for 'Bonfire of the Vanities' is pretty simple, and one you'll be familiar with by now. The gameplay is also simple: it's pretty much just a string of assassinations. There are a few new additions, such as spring poles and if you buy the more expensive version three new Templar Hideouts. Personally I didn't understand the spring-pole-jump-long-way-thing. Or at least how to use it: they were quite picky on positioning, and when you're running to try and avoid archers it can be a littl...

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'Battle of Forli' = 'Battle of Frustration' 0

It's a good little DLC if: A) You missed the Flying Machine Achievement B) You are invested in the plot C) You enjoy keeping people alive who don't know how to stay out of trouble It just so happens that reasons A and B were my reasons of choice. They weren't enough to make it enjoyable, but enough for me to be content to sit and play it. 'Battle of Forli' sees you spending most of your time protecting two people. Which is fine until they part ways, go running off into danger, and after all that...

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Assassin's Creed II has come so far, except also not-so-far... 0

For those that didn't play the first Assassin's Creed, here's a summary of what you did in the game: running, riding horse, sneaking into city, beating people up, EAGLE DIVE, racing, 'ooooh, flag!', assassination, running home. Rinse and repeat some nine times, and finish with the most Epically Subtle Genre Shift I've ever come across.Looking back on the first game, it's clear to see that Assassin's Creed II has...not actually come all that far. When you get to the second major city, you quickly...

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