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I Just Finished the Original Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear?! 
Metal Gear?! 
Damn it has been a great weekend.  My girlfriend is out of town this weekend so it gave me some time to really put some time into some games I've been putting off for awhile.  More specifically, Metal Gear Solid which if you're counting I have been putting for for about 11 years now.  Yes, while I attempted to finish the original MGS many many times, I would get bored and move onto something else.  In other words, I'm an idiot. 
Last night I cracked open the Metal Gear Solid Essentials Collection and said to myself "Self, before we get into that brand new copy of Metal Gear Solid 4 you got with your PS3 Slim, we need to beat these games."  I'm very glad I did.  Metal Gear Solid is amazing!  While I had played parts of #2, I wasn't prepared for the story that was told in the original.  It actually reminded me of the same style employed by Batman Arkham Asylum in that it tells the story of the events of one night and when it's over you really feel as though you yourself has just been put through the ringer.  It really is a really awesome game. 
And with that it's onto Metal Gear Solid 2.  Many people really love it, many people really hate it.  If it's anything like the first (yeah I know about Raiden) in terms of story then I think I'll be pretty satisfied. 
OH!  I'm also looking to start filling up my PSN Friends List.  I don't have anyone on there and it kind of makes me sad.  Add me up, my PSN ID is KimFidler (I'm not very original).  I'm mostly playing Killzone 2 at the moment.