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How Many Months?

It has been a long time since I logged into GiantBomb. That doesn't mean that I haven't been visiting the site, of course. But explaining things is pointless. Needless to say, I am now a premium member, which makes me happier than a bitch in heat. At least, I assume a bitch in heat is happy...

So, I've been in China for just over 15 months now, if I am doing my math right (I arrived here September 3rd, 2010). Currently, I am living in Xi'an. I have 2 pet turtles, and some fish that I don't care too much about. Oh, and I have a good, custom built computer. But, being in China, the OS is a fake Windows 7, which I'd love to upgrade, but getting money to America is really really troublesome, and quite expensive.

As you may or may not be able to see, I can still use Steam here, though some games are blocked, such as Dead Rising. The internet here isn't too great, but it's good enough that I can still watch videos and download games from Steam. I've got a bunch of bootleg DVDs - well, I assume they're bootleg, since nearly everything in China is fake. I think that my phone might be real. I mean, it's real, but I have no idea if it is a proper phone. It's an LG phone with Android on it. It's ok, but it's my 4th phone in China. In America, I only had 1 phone. The only problem with it was the battery, which after 8 years, you'd expect to be total shit.

Not much else to talk about. I'm interested in getting a business started up, but who knows if that'll happen. But I don't think I'll be headed back to America anytime soon - at least, not moving, but maybe for a visit - but no one can predict the future. Who knows, maybe something will happen and I'll find out that pigs really can fly. I know they can glow in the dark, and that Chinese people love to eat their penises, so it wouldn't surprise me.