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Job Offer Craze

In the past week, I have received 3 job offers: one from Japan, one from the UK, and one from China.
I am currently leaning towards the one from Japan. You can read about it here.  The other two job offers from the UK and China came earlier this week.
The job in the UK pays enough to survive comfortably, and the exchange rate would make it easy to save up money (assuming the American economy recovers). The fact that I would be living in London is a big plus, and I am told that they have free health care (but I don't know if it applies to foreigners). Also, I know enough people from that area (because of study abroad) that life wouldn't be too difficult. Oh, and they speak English.
The offer in China has lower pay, but the benefits are better. Specifically, an apartment has already been picked out for me. They would helping me learn Chinese for free, and I would have someone who spoke both Chinese and English in the classroom to assist me. Additionally, I am in a relationship with a Chinese girl, so that could also benefit from this. I have also been told that the cost of living in China are pretty low.
I have a little while longer to think about it and talk to people about it, but nothing is set in stone quite yet.