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So hey Vavle , what happened to supporting games after release?

I woke up about an hour ago and watched a couple of the new trailers that gone up and yeh everything that was shown at the Microsoft event looked pretty impressive. The Crackdown 2 trailer looked great and I really wana know if it was in game cinamatic or CG. While I still have yet to watch some of the other trailers I can't wait for forza 3 and i heard Alan Wake looks good to , we got a release date to boot. I really wana know more about Halo reach and MGS Rising, thought i'm finding it odd its called Metal Gear Soild and not just Metal Gear. Its most likely that Snake will be involved with the story in one way shape or form. . I'm still expecting Metal Gear remake or at least something between Metal Gear Soild 3 and Metal Gear story at some point due to the Big Boss thing.

But I wan't to to talk about Left 4 Dead 2 and yeh when I first heard about it I was like great but after watching the trailer and some gameplay footage I'm totally not impressed anymore. It looks like Left 4 Dead a game that yes while the core gameplay was good the content was pretty piss poor. Now there releaseing a brand new game with get this ? 5 CAMPAINS !!!! thats 1 more then last good fucking job valve you be able to put 1 more campain then last time. Ive always belived a lot of people gave Left 4 Dead an easy ride cause hey its Valve you know the guys that seem to care about making there games but how can anyone defend this move. I mean how can someone go oh look another tomb raider game or look another need for speed , they keep churing them out when L4D is'nt even a year old, hell its only just over half a year. Even then it looks more like a content update! you know the thing people been asking about so they can actully have more to what was very little in the first.

Right now I'm more angry about the fact it seems there done with L4D which yeh it might not be the case and they may have a whole heap of content planned out for the coming months. But even then come on, people who seen the gameplay know that this looks no different to the first, I mean NO DIFFERENT and if another person goes oh well its in Day light now i'm really going to have to punch them in the face. Its early days yet and i'n praying for them to say that they have a ton of content coming out or hey guess what people who brought L4D will get the second at a major discount but at the moment my hopes aren't that high. Like a ton of people of said , this just doesn't seem like the Vavle we know and love and my rage has now turned out to sadness :(. brb gona go cut my wrists.