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3.8 stars

Average score of 4 user reviews

The Fall: Down in a hole 0

You awake, darkness is all around you, save from a few strands of light falling through the hole you created. This is how the 2d puzzle platforming game The Fall starts. You are Arid, an artificial intelligence, connected to a combat suit worn by a human military pilot, but your pilot is unconscious from the fall (see how they did that) and you are programmed to save your pilot at any cost. The Fall is heavy with atmosphere. It's palette is dark and gloomy, it's score is quiet and unsettling. A...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Shovel Knight: Digging Trouble with Your Shovel 0

You are the eponymous character in this grand adventure, that will send you from the belly of a gigantic ship to the tops of clouds as you fight knight after knight in search of your lost love Shield Knight. With nothing but your suite of armor on your back and your shovel in your hand you will have to face some of the most brutal platforming ever put forth, while collecting treasure to upgrade your equipment to aid you in your journey.Before all this crazy went down, it was you and Shield Knigh...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Shadow of Mordor: some fresh meat on some very stale bread 0

Shadow of Mordor is an interesting game to dissect. While it borrows many mechanics from other games--Arkham games fighting system, Assassin Creeds traversal-- it offers one of the most innovative mechanics seen in quite some time, in the Nemesis System. All of this is wrapped up in a terribly un-engaging, cliche of a video game story. You play as the ranger Tallion, within the first 5 minutes of the game the catalyst of the story happens, and this is expected to fuel you with motivation for the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Jazzpunk: Finally the Spies are Taking Acid. 0

Jazzpunk is the most original game I’ve played in a long while. It’s also the most mechanically simple game I’ve played in a while—it’s just pointing and clicking. These things can certainly help each other out though. You see, Jazzpunk is an absurd satirical take on the Spy universe as we’ve come to know it. In it you will see familiar things such as agents in trench coats, femme fatales, and exotic locations—two of those things look a lot like parts o...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.