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A Stunning Reveal!

So, I will admit it straight up: I probably would not be using the blog system here were it not for the new quest system.
I am a lurker here, I have shied away from posting in forums and the like in recent years, mostly because I usually end up feeling like a voice lost in the crowd. I have been loyal to a few sites for years, some from nearly their inception. I have sat back and reveled in watching them grow and succeed, I have given money in order to help cover hosting costs so my favorite haunts would continue to be there for me to - well, haunt. 
There were always a few people I really clicked with, but for the most part those wittier and usually the type of people we all have seen destroy forums in some need for a useless post count race drowned me out. Contribute to a discussion with something relevant and that you felt would inspire further discussion? Forget about it, the guy with six thousand posts in the last month said it slightly different three posts later and everyone hangs on their words because of that arbitrary number.
Gee, I really went off on a weird rant there. I do not have a post count complex. I do not have a post count complex. Sorry, I have no idea what happened there, but I guess doing a little free flow writing will sometimes bring out that sort of thing.
Long post not quite as long: I am a lurker, I will be a lurker here. I have been following the site since the whole "Gerst-gate" incident, fell in love with the friends doing what they love attitude and have not looked back. I love the Bombcast, been listening since the beginning and will be listening until it (hopefully never!) ends. I hope I can brush off some of my writing and gaming skills and contribute to the site, though I fully expect to find myself in the odd corners poking at things I probably should not (or want to).