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Wii rant blog, also on gamespot

The Wii.... Sucks, very much so. Ever sense i bought it and beat zelda it's had one job. Sitting in a cardboard box in my closet collecting dust. Basically all its good for. And as far as Zelda: Twilight Princess, it's an awesome game but.. you might as well cross of twilight princess and write in crayon "Ocarina of Time" It's the same game and dont lie to me and say it isnt. And any game besides the ever so unoriginal zelda and the mario games. SUCKS. WII MUSIC?!?! You don't even play the music, you pick the rythym and it plays with whatever your playing. I have one philosophy about the Wii, People who don't play videogames.... play the wii. That's all there is to my philosophy. I don't care how many people think im a fanboy because im not. I play the 360, the ps3, and the pc and i enjoy them all the same. But there's nothing ever exciting for the Wii. OOohh wii sports resort. WTF? who cares about wii sports. And buying old games for like 10 bucks? wtf you can pay like 50 cents at gamestop for the games you're getting if you aren't a noob and have the systems. So basically that's my rant on the wii. It sucks.. Don't lie to me and say its good. It's a gamecube with a crappy motion control sensor. Hell, even the Wii motto sucks "Wii simply brings more smiles to more faces" ....Uh.... maybe to 6 year old kids BUT YOU ARE NOT GETTING TO ME NINTENDO, NAZI'S TRYING TO ROB US OF 250 DOLLARS.


Loserkid's Awesome Graphic Novel Reviews, Take 2: "Watchmen"

I embarassingly bought "Watchmen" after I saw Dark Knight due to the trailer, looked pretty sweet, 300 was an alright movie, got boring after the 2nd time of watching it. But anyways, I bought this book. It was written by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. The central story of Watchmen is not very difficult, right off the bat you find out, someone is killing or discrediting masked hero's. And Rorschach, my personal favorite character, has to investigate. Now the central story is not the most interesting part of the book.

The parts of the book that you will really want to take interest in this bookĀ  are the intricate details of the struggles within the characters. This is all what makes "Watchmen" so special, the depth of all the characters and their respective subplots: Dr. Manhattan dealing with his responsibility to humanity given his god-like powers; Nite Owl having trouble leaving his secret identity behind; Rorschach being examined by a psychiatrist. Each chapter offers a specific focus on one of the characters, yet advances the overall narrative.

Beyond that the intricate narrative, Moore and Gibbons offer two additional levels to the story. First, each chapter is followed by a "non-comic" section that develops more of the backstories, such as numerous excerpts from Hollis Mason's autobiography "Under the Hood" or Professor Mitlon Glass' "Dr. Manhattan: Super-Powers and the Superpowers," an interview with Adrian Veidt, or reports from the police files of Walter Joseph Kovacs. Second, almost every issue has scenes from "Tales of the Black Freighter," a comic-book being read by a kid near a newsstand, which offers an allegorical perspective on the main plot line.

Watchmen really pushed the bar of comics towards sophistication and intelligence. For once while reading a graphic novel besides the "Dark Knight Returns" I didn't feel like a kid. The novel really takes you very far in depth.


Wooo Loserkid962's Top 5 Movies list. Long Blog.

I did a video game blog list of this and told you guys i would do a movie blog, so... Here it is. Not in order

1. Pulp Fiction - If you think "Pulp Fiction" is brilliant, you're wrong. It's more than that. It's a milestone in the history of film making. It's already a classic. But why? Because of the many "f" words, or maybe because of the brain and skull pieces on the rear window of a car? No, that's surely not the point (unfortunately some other users - fortunately the minority - don't get it). Tarantino has made a movie that's someway different from many other action, gangster or crime movies. What's so different? He knows the subject of the movie is "cool", he knows it's a product of mass culture, and he even likes it by himself. But he smiles at it and tells three great stories with a lot of irony. And this irony is the first point. The second point is that he gave souls to extremely schematic characters. They surely aren't another action heroes who you forget as fast as you can twinkle. They are human beings like we are, talking about Burger King and McDonalds, about TV series and a foot massage. They just earn their money with killing others or selling drugs. What else is so great about "Pulp Fiction"? It's the acting, the directing, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the sense of humour and the whole rest. In my opinion it's all worth nothing less than a 10 out of 10. A masterpiece.

2. The Dark Knight - Oh you giantbombers deifinitely know about this movie, Heath Ledger really steals the show leaving the most memorable performance I have ever seen in my life. I don't care if the movies a little long, even at 2 hours and 32 minutes it still left me wanting more. Christian Bale, to me he's the perfect batman, I don't care about Michael Keaton or Val Kilmer cause honestly his performance in this movie left both of them in the dust. Overall Heath and Bale made the 1989 Batman truly forgettable.

3. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Peter Jackson has done it. He has created an all-encompassing epic saga of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings books, and after coming away from the final chapter, how does this rate not only as a film on its own, but as a part of the whole?


I've never seen a series like this. A trilogy of movies created with such love and care and utter perfection of craft that you can't help but walk away and wonder how did Peter Jackson make this possible? I have always loved the original "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones" series for their epic storytelling, and just for just fitting in as a great moment in cinema. This should be, will be, remembered with as much revered fondness for generations to come. They do not make films like these anymore.

As a stand alone film, it picks up immediately where "Two Towers" ends, so brush up before seeing it. I've read the books, and the anticipation of seeing some of the more profound moments in this film made me kind of view it with a rushed sense of perspective. I wanted to make sure everything in this film was done "right". And when it happened, it was. I will need to see this again to enjoy everything on a more casual level.

The cast comes through once more. The musical score retains its beauty, elegance and power. The special effects, notably Gollum again, are nothing less than breathtaking, and simply move the story along. The battles are monumentally huge and exciting. There are some liberties taken with the story, especially during the end with the homecoming, and yet, everything that needed to be covered regarding the main characters was handled. After the greatest moment of the series resolves itself, the story provided a breather. And gives a good-bye to friends seen on screen for the three years. It was truly a bittersweet feeling in realizing that there will be no "Rings" movie in 2004. I really miss this talented group of actors.

As with the first two, the film is very long, but goes by without you ever truly realizing it. This film is so much more than a simple "fantasy" epic. It's a story about strength of character, friendship, loyalty and love. And while every member of the Fellowship has their part to play, I finally understood why some critics have said this series is a story about Sam. It's his unwavering resolve that led the quest to its victory. Sean Astin is a true credit for adding the inspirational heart to this epic. As as far as the ending goes, they ended it the way that it had to be ended. Jackson ended this film the way it should have been.

I will miss looking forward to a new "Rings" movie, but these movies provide hope that high-quality films can still be made without special effects taking over a story, bathroom humor, or a "Top 40" soundtrack. George Lucas could learn a lot from these films about how not to alienate the fanbase.

Each film has earned a "10" from me, which for me to give is a rarity. This one, however, is as equally deserving as its two predecessors.

4. Donnie Darko - I first saw this on cable tv. Thumbing through the channels I stopped just as Donnie Darko was beginning. I thought the title was weird, and readied my thumb on the remote channel selector...pointed it at the TV...and it stayed there for the rest of the movie! I couldn't stop watching! I've never seen a movie like this. The movie has a beautiful aspect (especially the end). And there are a few chuckles as well. Contrary to the more critical commentary, there is depth and complexity to the story that kind of requires you to see it more than once. I'm no genius, but what I gathered the basis of Donnie Darko to be is about our part in the deliberate DESIGN of our destiny, and I catch more each time I watch it.

Regardless of anything, sincere thought and expression went in to the making of Donnie Darko. Mixed with skill and technical ability = Art.

A WORK OF ART! In the top 100 movie of all time in my opinion.

5. Fight Club -Ā  Fight Club is one of the most unique films I have ever seen. In addition to presenting a rather fresh take on life, FC also presents its material in a fresh way. My main interest in the film is in that, in my opinion, it does not present characters for us to tshink about. Rather, it presents actions for us to think about. I will say that I cannot recall *ever* having been "asked" by a film to both suspend my disbelief the way this film asks in its third act AND at the same time come to terms with an understanding that there is no room--or need--for disbelief.

Perhaps these comments will not make sense to the average movie goer who will dismiss this film--and, unfortunately, its premise--as another hollywood flick filled with gratuitous violence. I'd go as far as to say that this film is not about violence. It is about choices. It is about activity. It is about lethargy. It is about waking up and realizing that at some point in the past we've gone to the toilet and thrown up our dreams without even realizing that society has stuck its fingers down our throat.

I would argue that anyone caught, at some point in their lives, between a rock and a hard place--anyone who has reached bottom on a mental level--anyone who has uttered to themselves "Wait, this isn't right. I would not do/say/feel what it is that I just did/said/felt... I do not like this. I must change before I am forever stuck being the person that I am not." These people, they will know what I'm talking about. These people will not only recognize the similarities between Edward Norton's character and themselves--they will be uncomfortably familiar with him. These people will appreciate Fight Club for what it is: a wake up call that we are not alone.

As David Berman once said: "I'm afraid I've got more in common with who I was than who I am becoming." If this sentence makes any sense to you, go see Fight Club. You won't regret it.


Wow.... Nine Inch Nails concert reschedule

So I check on their tour website today, turns out, due to "illness" which isn't the reason because they're going to lollapalooza the day after, and it wasnt rescheduled. The bad part about this is, they rescheduled it to fucking November 25th.... Who wants to go to a concert downtown in the start of winter. Not me. But whatever, still got my morning jacket to look forward too and instead of NIN tomorrow im now going to see step brothers with some buddies, it looked pretty funny.

In other news, Xfire, anyone got it? If so comment me with your xfire account name, mine is mastashakez.


Loserkid962's Awesome Graphic Novel Review! Dark Knight Returns

Okay well recently, I read The Dark Knight Returns, written by Frank Miller, The Dark Knight Returns is easily the second most celebrated graphic novel, next to Watchmen of course.(Watchmen will be my next review, almost done reading it.) The Dark Knight Returns is just a stunning novel. In this dark novel The Dark Knight, or Bruce Wayne, is no longer a playboy, for he is now 50. And in his absence Gotham has gone to hell, a gang named the Mutants have taken over, and claimed Gotham as their own. Bruce Wayne, even though he is now 50, knows that without him, Gotham will soon be a hellhole. Wayne knows he has to make his last stand as the Dark Knight, and in this book, he makes the last stand.

Frank Miller really sets a whole new stage for the Dark Knight, bringing Gotham to a whole new level of darkness. Using his amazing style of writing, adds a breathtaking poetically dark and feely touch to this novel, really bringing it to life. Therefore, I give this book a 10/10 and recommend any true batman fan to read it.


2 Concerts I am going to within 2 months.

Okay well on saturday I'm seein Nine Inch Nails live, Their new album - The Slip - Was a pretty good album, but I would rather have NIN put out an album every 2-4 years other than every 6 months because it's just way better quality and i get more bang for my buck. You guys might think differently but honestly you cant put that much thought into an album if its made in 6 months or less.

As for the other concert, I'm not sure if you guys at giantbomb have heard of them, on october 2nd I'm going to see My Morning Jacket. They're one of the original and to me the greatest bands of the 21st century since atleast 30% of what's created now totally sucks, I'm really excited because they tend to jam during their preformance and I want to see what they can do and how they can alter their songs. Should be a great and interesting experience.


Top 5 Games list!

I know that you can just make a list but i want to blog the list because i don't have anything to talk about. Later I'll make a top 5 movies list but I'll have to think harder on that. So, here's the list., It's not in order from 1-5.

1. Grand Theft Auto IV
Man, this game is in my opinion the greatestĀ  game ever created, yeah, it has glitches but they're itty bitty and I have never really had one. Yeah i guess it could have used maybe a little more time in development but who cares. All I care about is graphics, story, and gameplay. And all of those 3 things are 10/10 to me. The graphics are definitely better this time around, of course, especially in the lighting department. Story is very interesting, much more interesting than it's predecessors, and the gameplay is tip top, adding tactical gunplay into the mix really makes the fighting fun, and superb. And of course, Niko Bellic, Niko to me is just the greatest character of games I have ever played, he has a cool backstory and he just seems like a very disturbed and angry mass killer, which honestly is pretty sweet.

Niko is ready to bust a cap in your ass.

2. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Okay people that know this game obviously know how fucking great it is. I don't even have any words to descibe how uber this game really is.

3.CallĀ of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
This game is perfect for a guy like me. A guy looking for super fast FPS asskicking. I prefer the PC version of this game over the 360 because I prefer the mouse and keyboard when I play FPS's, sure, the story's a little short but who in there right minds would buy this just to play the story mode?

This is one of the greatest RPG's I have ever played, It was one of the only games that I didn't hear or know anything about before i bought it, and that might have been one of the luckiest days of my life when i bought it lol. I'm syked for Fable2 this coming fall.

5.Team Fortress 2
Okay I love this game because I was a maniac, a complete fanatic of TFC, for you noobs out there that's Team Fortress Classic, I would play that for days on end. And now in this new package of the orange box I get TFC with improved gameplay and of course graphics. And with the new leveling system out the game is just perfect.


Soulcalibur IV... One of the best fighting games ever?

I went to walmart at midnight last night to pick up my copy of Soulcalibur IV. I stayed up till about 6 AM playing it then i woke up and played it some more. The game... It's just absolutely amazing. The fightings great as it always has been with many improvements. The graphics are astounding, I literally found myself comparing Yoda from the game and from Attack of the Clones. Not much difference really, it's quite sad that games are catching up with cinema. Now the story mode is really my favorite mode in the whole game, it's very short but you can play it for each character, it takes me around 20-30 minutes to finish a story mode with each character, but, after the story mode it leaves me wanting more because, A. You get money, and B. You get very neat unlockables in which you can create a character upon. I really could see myself playing this for a very long time. For now i give this game a 9.2/10 and i recommend it to any fan of the series or just any fan of fighting games. Oh and BTW my favorite character is Nightmare, he's just an uber badass, nuff said.

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