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Spore, good or bad?

For me spore is in between. Lets talk about pros. The Pros are.... 1. Different than any game ever 2. Most in depth creator i have ever seen 3. Recreating old star wars spaceships is awesome 4. the Spore community online single player thing they have going is FANTASTIC.

Cons are as stands. Cons... 1. Not done well visually, art is cool, graphics however don't hold up to recent next gen games. 2. Flat out repetitive, creating creatures wont get old for a while but the whole gameplay part throws the game off for me unfortunately. 3. Shorrttt and simple game, and once you get to space stage it becomes somewhat of a crawl. 4. 10 moves in that entire game, social and combat. 5. The game isn't really worth the money and is somewhat overrated.

My scoreĀ  6.8/10