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So, it's been a year Mr. Davis. June 3rd, 2014 as of today.

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Any Cardists here?

I was thinking if there were any cardists in the GB community.

After some... significant events in my life, I decided to finally pursue cardistry back in February of this year. I'm still a complete amateur, but it's been a rewarding and humbling experience. Maybe, just maybe, I could also get people interested.

But for those of you who don't know what "cardistry" is, it's the art of flourishing playing cards.

What is Cardistry?

Keep in mind that, Andrei Jikh is left-handed. His deck dealing hand is his right, and his manipulator hand is his left.

Also, Andrei performs a magic trick called "Dress Code". WATCH HIS T-SHIRT!

Some of my favorite performances on the web.

Chris Hestnes performs the entire moveset of Dan&Dave.

The A-Z of Cardistry.

Downtown, featuring Zach Mueller, Dave Buck, Adam Kerchman, Tobias Levin, & Oliver Sogard.

The trailer of Aviv's SEQUENCE.

Finally, a charming video from Zach Mueller called SUPERHERO.

Lastly, how did you ever get started on cardistry?

I started with the Virts's Icarus Sequence.

Thanks for watching!

"Perfection may very well be impossible, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be aiming for it."

-My Dad