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Top 10 games Circa '78 to '20

I've quit gaming all together. I recently moved and having my TV, xbox, AC, and laptop running simultaneously blows the circuit breaker. My roommate has to call the landlord to send out a tech to reset the breaker each time. This is more than annoying and has happened 4 times and i am over it. Plus the giant bomb forums are not receptive to my posts, which i first thought i would stop doing since i quit gaming but the posts are rarely about actual particulars of games.. so i'm sticking around. I will be writing alot more lists and reviews because i've been writing reviews and now i have somewhere to dump them to hash out my thoughts. I am no longer listening to podcasts or researching videogames and it feels good. No more twitch, youtube, or bombcast. i donated all of my games and some of my mini consoles and a couple of PS3s to goodwill. I did keep my 2 xbox ones so my roommate can watch Blu rays and my dad can hook up my projector in his garage for social distancing purposes. Anyway i feel clean and i've got about a 55,000 gamers score on xbox which is more than enough games and experiences to reflect on. I don't have to check in at the epic store to see what's free. I don't need to check in to see which season PUBG is on now and should i jump in again. The smart 4K tv i bought for gaming really gives me all of the media consumption i need. It's got Pluto TV for streaming COPS 24/7. COPS is infinitely more rewatchable than anything else on TV. Also there is an app for the NHL network and RedBull Tv which is ad free (unless you consider it's all just a redbull commercial) and that has surfing, snowboarding, and skateboarding.. so no more youtubing that stuff and dealing with liberty-biberty ads. Laptop is exclusively for work, writing my game reviews, and wikipedia.

Future lists:

  • Most memorable achievements dates and points
  • games that were the only reason i was friends with you for.
  • favorite pokemon go pokemon based on the game they came from (i am still playing this game because it gets me out and the gifts from around the world are pretty cool)
  • games from my college career(s)
  • when i was a pirate (the dreamcast and playstation games i stole)
  • i hate nintendo but the games i would buy a switch for if i were flying to hawaii
  • best games with gold 360 games (yes these are free forever titles unlike playstation plus or xbox one games with gold)
  • my COVID coping soundtrack (got/getting me through). They are being retired.
  • me @ arcades circa 1990s

List items

  • Tony Hawk 3 was number 1 on my list. The experiences i had with it were amazing. I was repping Xbox at the time so i played with a wonky Duke controller. I did (if i recall correctly) have the ability to use Gamespy to 'tunnel' into the internet and play online. But that is not enough for the game to be my number 1. And after further scrutiny THPS3 does not even make it to the top 10. Neither do any of the other Tony Hawks. I guess my criteria for this list has more to do with games that got me to be hungry for all things gaming. THPS games just had me hungry for a cool soundtrack and games that handled well with a controller. I could get those same feels from Dave Mirra or Aggressive Inline Skating. This list should be of games that changed my life. Tony Hawk was just a place where i could find more of the music I was already into and experience some rudeness and crudeness from corporate America, rebellion now comes with a receipt and pre-order keychain . The games play well and I really don't feel like Tony Hawk 5 lost it's way, that's all that game was all along. THPS is just a series of missions, a way to play dress up, and a buddy's loaned iPod. It's okay that i though the game was one of my top 10 games of all time. That was without the necessary scrutiny that writing affords.

    PUBG is my favorite game of all time. Having played this game for 500 hours I know what it's like to play MMOs or be addicted to Candy Crush, or play the Sims or play any game. I watched people stream this game more than i played it. It helped me to graduate college because it kept me sitting in front of a computer while i finished coursework. I played with a buddy for a good amount of hours. (There is a very clumsy review elsewhere on this site so these are some new and repeated incites).

    There's something about the odds against winning, the dynamic nature of the closing circle, and the fact that every action movie could be recreated within this game. If i know a team of 4 ran into a building I could attempt to breach their stronghold all by myself with just a shotgun and a couple of shells. That was the magic of this game. For some it is about getting the chicken dinner (looking at some friends profiles you can see they out performed me) but for me it was about an experience. I had a buddy of mine that would run past encounters because he was all about getting the win? That's not me. I would breach the building with shotgun blasts through the door, a fools errand because my cover was now blown but if i could make it out alive with 4 kills then that's all that mattered to me. This scenario can be repeated infinitely whether solo or with friends. This isnt COD deathmatch with a dozen or 2 static maps. This is a map with 100s of buildings, elevations, vehicles, and 99 other players with their own plans.

    This is a no contest number 1. I realized a couple of months back that this was the game I've been waiting for. It fell off for me in a very hard way. The cheating issue was always in the back of my mind. In hindsight my thirst for new maps was the wrong choice. They should only have 1 map. The new maps meant that their was always an advantage for someone that put in 1000s of hours whereas only having 1 map meant that once we all reached about 100 or 200 hours we would have mastered the terrain and the tactics would have really started to come out. Also the Xbox version lacked proximity chat so you really couldn't taunt or be taunted. So many other battle royales have come out but this did it best.

    I spent about $2K going to PAX in Boston anticipating PUBGs booth. The booth list didn't come out until a month before the February 2020 show but i was willing to take that chance. PUBG was on the booth list and i was ecstatic. COVID-19 hit and i was pissed when Blue Hole backed out. Considering the magnitude of this pandemic i'm more than okay with it. Those cancellations, nba cancelled season, and school closing all solidified the seriousness of all this (even though i still went to PAX).

    I can quit gaming now because anything that comes out after this is going to be a microtransaction monetized mess with racism and hatred spewed constantly. Besides there's too many games. They added bots which is counter to what i want. i wanted to know every player i encountered was freaking out. BOTS RUIN THIS GAME. At some point everybody was playing this. And that was awesome. Greatest game of all time and no cellphone game or VR game (go out an play an IRL sport) will ever top PUBG.

  • I've never really played an MMO before. I don't know what's it's like to play World of Warcraft for 10 years. This closest i've come is playing the Division for a couple of months. So i understand the dailies and the quests. As far as i understand all of the games like Destiny or Maple Story take years off your life yet you're just sitting in front of a computer or monitor. Pokemon Go asks me to get out in the real world an explore. I've gone on vacations, visited parts of town unknown, and just patiently loitered at parks waiting for live events to emerge. I've spent about $25 on this game and it's money well spent. I wonder when i'll quit this game. When my pokedex is complete? I should probably set an arbitrary Pokemon to get to quit. It would probably be Mr. Mime. Before it was a a Far Fetched when they were exclusive to asia. Then it was a Porygon 2 evolution. I've achieved all those. Mr. Mime it is.

  • Choosing the order of my favorite game is like choosing your favorite child. You undoubtedly have a favorite but you would never ever publicly choose one to be your favorite. This is my private selection for favorite game. Publicly it is PUBG. There is way too much to explain with a game devoid of most things that can be classified as a game. Animal Crossing sold me when i first saw a commercial where they spoofed the Real World reality show. Saying i was a fan is an understatement. The tv show was a product of the early 90s and i liked the show because it showed people older than me. Eventually i aged out, or reached the approximate age of the houseguests, and i stopped watching. I understood what the game was going for due to their marketing. My experience with the gamecube game was pretty short and maybe occupied about a month. The game was a memory card resource hog and i remember feeling like i experienced the game for what it's worth. But that game was not Wild World. Wild World was designed for the Nintendo DS. You could take the game with you ever you wanted and because of the DS's suspend mode you could just play the game throughout the day. If I suffered from insomnia the first thing i would do on a sleepless night is open up the DS and see what happening in my hapless town. It was eye opening for what programming could achieve. It was also eye opening for the deficiencies in my real life. I would have to look at the release dates and memories for that era to focus on what my life was like but it has ultimately been pretty positive with some very smart moves. I don't want to say animal crossing was the impetus for good life choices. But when you realize that your friends in a game might feel neglected and you're bound to have roaches if you dont clean up. Trampling the flowers in your life is a metaphor for something. Without this game i would be somebody different with some skewed world view. This is my only game recommendation for gamers or non-gamers.

  • The most important thing to me with the media I consume is watching credits roll. Too many years went by with me not recognizing the effort that go into a production. I never respected a gaffer until i had to gaffe. I'm not totally sure how NES games or arcade games handled their credits. For arcade games i think they scrolled prior to you playing games. Outside of the iconic super mario world end-credits nothing really sticks out for my console gaming experience. I don't even recall tomb raider. I'll go watch that now. But this games is one of the first games that I rolled credits for on playstation 1. I missed every tomb raider release between the first tomb raider and tomb raider (2013). I rolled the credits on every current gen tomb raider, and loved them. This first game held my attention like no game before.

  • An interesting about ranking your favorite games is putting them in an arbitrary order. Ill credit the bombcasts game of the year deliberations but the fact my lists was cobbled together and seeing Burnout 2 as number 2 is just not fitting. I can't muster support for it to be anywhere but near bottom. Now fallout 3. I can get behind fallout 3. I was about 10 years late to fallout 3. I probably dismissed it because i thought the game to be PC centric and much like Skyrim. I didnt need to play Skyrim to know i wouldnt like Skyrim. I played Skyrim and didnt like it, because what is money other than a ticket to ride. Maybe listening to podcasts gave me the wrong idea. I don't know but i came to this game after a friend highly recommended it. I remember i broke the news of the Fallout 4 trailer to him and he was pumped. So much so that i had to give the series a try. 360 controllers are objectively terrible and though i love the system i wont be buying a 360 system anytime soon. Backwards compatibility for Fallout 3 was announced i picked up a copy for like $10 used. Everything from the music to the VATs system was fresh and amazing for me. As much as i hate modern RPGs i will always have an affinity for leveling and laying waste to enemies that once laid waste upon thee. Having choice in a game was a novelty that i thoroughly enjoyed. I played through Vegas and Fallout 4 and really enjoyed neither. If a remaster comes along with some sort of further innovation in dialogue then count me in. With this game and La Noire i see the limitations in programmed dialogue and it makes me really wont to go out and live and do things computers can't simulate. Another reason to quit gaming.

  • Whenever i read the news today it all just seems like the headlines in Sim City 2000. We are living in the simulation. I love simulation games. As adamant as im being about quitting games forever it's going to be really tough for me not to play Auto Mechanic Simulator, Flight Simulator, or Kerbal Space Program at some point in my future. I learned how to drive stick from an arcade machine. Simulations do have a place.

  • When you're a kid stuff just magically appears in your house. Or, your memory just fades and you don't remember major events. So at some point a commodore 64 occupied my family's office. Don't ask me why or when but at some point there was one there. I don't know where the games came from because apparently as a kid my con game to get stuff was not strong. Or maybe it was super strong. Is this why they say hormones rage during youth because it clouds the memory? Somehow i ended up with a ton of games and my favorite one was Hardball.

    I loved me some baseball and played as a kid. This was the one game that occupied all of my gaming time which thankfully was not that much, allowing me to play IRL baseball. Shortly after having a commodore 64 i started making more decisions on our household computer needs and my memory serves me better. Despite having an Atari 2600, NES, and SNES this is the game that I truly enjoyed and really got me into baseball something that i still enjoy (during playoffs only, but now with COVID i'll watch anything) today.

    In pairing down my list I had to cut Gears of War, Hotline Miami, Twisted Metal 2, and an Assassins Creed game (I was going to put Black Flag but I HATE the ship combat and all of the AC games become a self-imposed chore). I've purchased tons of FIFA games but their complexity lost me in the dust years ago. I've tried baseball on every system i have known and the disappointment was real when MLB went Playstation only. Baseball games are the ultimate chill games but why oh why do they insist on simulating an entire season, that's just daunting. Once sports games get a storyline maybe ill find my way back.

  • The gamecube L & R Triggers with analog/digital controls made this game. I experienced the original burnout at an EB games at the mall, the same mall i experienced Halo for the first time. I think i might have played both games. Burnout was an unlicensed very generic looking racing game. I cut my teeth on racing games playing test drive on commodore, f1 on playstation, and any arcade game with racing wheel. I used to love racing games. The lie i tell myself is that my friend and I got S-Rank on all the licenses for gran turismo. That would probably be a lie because those were harder to get than your actual pilot license. I think i was window shopping for videogames so i didnt walk home with either an Xbox or PS2 (the system i saw Burnout running on). I believe i picked up a gamecube from Circuit City and played a couple of games. Nothing memorable really sticks out probably tony hawk or whatever. At some point i played Burnout 1 on the thing. The game was arcade time trials with dangerous driving increasing your speed. Once you reached the right threshold your burnout meter would be full and you could depress the L & R triggers simultaneously until they clicked the digital button. That's when your burnout nitro boost would engage and you would go flying. The problem and they greatest thing about the gamecube triggers were they were super slick. Your hands struggled to keep those triggers engaged. As you sweat it made it even harder to hold that controller. Emulation will never do this game justice. The soundtrack was awesome and music industry rap-rock of the month free (if i recall, i know burnout 1 was just guitar riffs). It was a highly anticipated game because i remember playing the original Burnout and this sequel just was amazing. Oh yeah, the crashes were amazing and kept your adrenaline going. None of the post burnout 2 releases ever did it for me. Too many modes, intrusive soundtracks, and just try hard new this and that. This game was amazing and now im off to watch a contemporary review.

  • I’m reluctant to put this game on my list. I do remember the first time I played it, at Walmart. If achievements were a thing back then I would definitely have made an attempt to platinum it. I also know that my college experience was greatly enriched by this game. I had the 007 dreams and I’ve been tracking potential remasters and rereleases like I’m some kind of share holder. But this game is the bottom of the list. It has no personal place with me.

    The multiplayer was a dorm room staple and single player for me was in service of the multiplayer (to unlock big head mode or paintball mode). It was always nice to discover new features since this was all before videogame online info consumption was the salty thirst it is now.

    Perfect Dark should have been Golden 007-2. If that had happened my gaming trajectory might have been totally different. Goldeneye had so much cachet that a sequel would have really done extremely well. Business is going to business and Perfect Dark forced me to spend money on an expansion pack and trying to convince people the game was Goldeneye 2 .

    Goldeneye was great. Unfortunately, when you visit Disney as a kid you think Cinderella's castle is gigantic. As an adult it's much less impressive.

  • Mega man 1's box art had me thinking i would be playing some photorealistic game. At my age that frightened me. When i finally got around to playing it i loved it. I finished this game back then and i cannot be bothered nowadays to play a platformer. My little mind thought it had exhausted all options for bosses with a dozen or 2 ideas. I can probably come up with 100s now. This series went out of control and i think i beat Mega Man 2 and that was that.