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Best of 2011

I thought this year was kind of a let down. Don't get me wrong, there were some great games this year, I guess. I just don't think this year holds up as well as past years have. I mean, shit, literally 90% of my list is made up of fucking sequels. I really hope that more companies take some risks in 2012, because if this is how the game industry is going to carry on for now on, I don't know how long I can keep up my interest in games. With all that preachy bullshit out of the way, here are my 10 favorite games of 2011.

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  • Yeah, so, over the summer I kind of got shit-canned and had a lot of free time on my hands. This is how I spend about 90% of it. Then all my friends got obsessed with it too. For a couple of months, all we did was get drunk and play Terraria. Brings back memories of the good ol' days of LAN parties.

  • Just like everybody else, Skyrim kind of took over my life for a while. I haven't finished the main quest yet, but I've still put 50 hours into one character with no signs of stopping. Love it.

  • I knew this was going to be one of my favorite games of the year within the first 5 minutes of playing it. Once that dude gets fucked up and turns into a necromorph, you knew that shit just got real.

  • Probably shouldn't count, but, hey, it went free to play this year, so why not? The perfect competitive multiplayer experience for someone like me who generally hates competitive multiplayer.

  • Cave Johnson.

  • I liked Demon's Souls just fine, but Dark Souls kind of blows it out of the water. Yeah, it's fucking agonizingly hard, but you rarely get upset by that fact. Plus, unlike Demon's Souls, I actually felt like I made some progress in the game. I know I'll never fuckin' finish this game, but I'm fine with that. I've come to terms with it. The time we had together, though, I'll cherish forever.

  • I was a doubter, originally. I had absolutely no interest in this game, and I felt that Saints Row games were only meant for terrible people that I wanted nothing to do with, like Juggalos. I felt these games were for Juggalos. Then I got fuckin' tired of hearing about this game on the bombcast and bought it on a whim. I don't love it nearly as much as everyone else does, but, hey, you should play Saints Row.

  • All I need to say to justify this after only playing about 5 hours of it is that Blade Runner is my favorite movie of all time. I think that explains everything. Also, that main theme may be the best in all of video games.

  • I have not been so into a fighting game since Guilty Gear XX #Reload. I actually wanted to get better and learn characters, and that's exactly what I did. I'm still not very good at it, but at least I'm competent at it. I won't win any tournaments or anything, but I can kick all of my friends' asses and that's all that matters to me.

  • I had a hard time picking a tenth game, but how can I go wrong with the mother fuckin' Batman? It was a pretty good game. I just hope the third game does something completely different, because this formula is already starting to get old.